Dislocation of cervical vertebrae
- Description
- Symptoms Dislocations of cervical vertebrae
- Reasons Dislocations of cervical vertebrae
- Treatment Dislocations of cervical vertebrae
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see also:
- Dislocations
- Shoulder dislocation
- Reposition of dislocations
- Foot dislocation
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- a href="" title="Травма ключицы, вызванная ударом сверху вниз по плечевому суставу. ">Clavicle dislocation
- Dislocation of an elbow joint
- Patella dislocation
- Forearm dislocation
- Hip dislocation
Shift at dislocations of vertebrae occurs between joint surfaces of the lower joint shoot of an overlying vertebra and an upper joint shoot of an underlying vertebra. The overlying vertebra is considered dislocated. Dislocations of cervical vertebrae are very diverse on the mechanism, degree of shift of the jointed joint shoots, localization, various combinations to fractures of vertebras accompanying injuries of a spinal cord, motive and sensitive disturbances and also on outcomes.
the overlying vertebra is considered yvikhnuty. Dislocation can be one - or bilateral; full or incomplete shift of joint shoots of two next vertebrae. Depending on the provision of the lower joint shoot of a dislocated vertebra in relation to an upper joint shoot of an underlying vertebra distinguish dislocation with gearing and without gearing.
Symptoms Dislocations of cervical vertebrae:
At incomplete dislocations of cervical vertebrae the displaced joint shoots often do not come one zadrugy. In such cases the incomplete dislocation is independently set at extension in cervical department of a backbone.
Incomplete dislocations of cervical vertebrae in more hard cases can be followed by hemorrhage around a spinal cord and a tetraplegia which sometimes lead to death.
Clinical manifestations: easy morbidity at the movements in cervical department of a backbone, pain when swallowing (front shift), death on site incidents. Everything depends on degree of removal of the Atlas over a hog deer. Distinguish three degrees of shift (Ya. L. Tsivyan, 1971). It is necessary to emphasize that the I degree of shift can proceed clinically safely, however any additional injury can lead to irreparable effects. Urgent radiological inspection is necessary.

Incomplete dislocation of a cervical vertebra of C5
Reasons Dislocations of cervical vertebrae:
Dislocations arise at sharp rotation (rotational), sharp bending (flexion) and sharp extension (extensive) necks.
Dislocations in an atlantooccipital joint in clinical practice meet extremely seldom as usually they lead to the instant death of the victim. Damage arises at influence of a massive injury.
Fractures of tooth of a hog deer and shift in the field of an atlanto-axial joint occur most often, as a result of a severe transport injury (at motokrossmen, racing drivers, cyclists).
Treatment Dislocations of cervical vertebrae:
Imposing of the immobilized tire or bandage. Urgent hospitalization of the patient. The correct transportation of the victim has extremely important value. It has to be carried out extremely carefully as the secondary removal of the Atlas at the careless movement of the head can cause a prelum or injury of a spinal cord. Treatment is carried out in the conditions of specialized clinic. The immobilization by a kraniotorakalny plaster bandage within 6 — 8 months with the subsequent functional, physiotherapeutic and sanatorium treatment is applied.