Reposition of dislocations
- Description
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see also:
- Dislocations
- Shoulder dislocation
- Dislocation of cervical vertebrae
- Foot dislocation
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- a href="" title="Травма ключицы, вызванная ударом сверху вниз по плечевому суставу. ">Clavicle dislocation
- Dislocation of an elbow joint
- Patella dislocation
- Forearm dislocation
- Hip dislocation
Reposition of dislocation is performed as an immediate surgery. In the next time after an injury reposition works well easily. It is difficult to set chronic dislocations (from 3 days to 3 weeks and more), and sometimes it is impossible. In these cases resort to surgery.
At reposition of any dislocation it is important to overcome muscular retraction therefore paramount value has the general anesthesia or local (enter 10 ml of 2% of solution of novocaine into a cavity of a joint) if for some reason it is impossible to carry out an anesthesia.
Reposition of dislocation consists in introduction of the joint end via the broken-off capsule in a joint cavity. At reposition of dislocation it is impossible to use force. The joint end of a bone has to do a way back in the same sequence, as well as at dislocation. Therefore use certain techniques.
After reposition the full volume of the movement in an extremity is at once recovered, deformation of a joint and pain disappear. Often at reposition the characteristic click which, however, can be absent at smooth or careful manipulations is heard. After reposition of dislocation the extremity is fixed a soft bandage.
At dislocations of a hip apply short-term fixing by adhesive or glue extension. Appoint the active movements, massage of muscles, remedial gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures later.
In rare instances reposition even of fresh dislocations does not work well at good anesthesia with muscular relaxants. Such dislocations call unreducible. They arise at infringement in a cavity of a joint of a sinew, the joint capsule, bone fragments. In similar cases an urgent operative measure - bloody reposition is shown.
Habitual dislocations as after reposition quickly there comes the recurrence, and also chronic dislocations owing to considerable changes of surrounding fabrics and impossibility of conservative therapy are subject to surgical treatment.
Dislocation-fractures it is necessary to operate more often as conservative treatment is inefficient. Treatment of pathological dislocations, as a rule, operational. The nature of operation depends on changes in area of a joint.

Reposition of dislocation of a shoulder joint

Reposition of dislocation of a hip