Dislocation of an elbow joint
- Description
- Reasons of dislocation of an elbow joint
- Symptoms of dislocation of an elbow joint
- Treatment of dislocation of an elbow joint
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see also:
- Dislocations
- Shoulder dislocation
- Reposition of dislocations
- Dislocation of cervical vertebrae
a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
- Foot dislocation
- a href="" title="Травма ключицы, вызванная ударом сверху вниз по плечевому суставу. ">Clavicle dislocation
- Patella dislocation
- Forearm dislocation
- Hip dislocation
Dislocation of an elbow is called the shift of two main bones of a forearm from the place of a joint with the lower end of a humeral bone. The elbow joint is the place where three above-stated bones meet. Dislocation of this localization meets seldom.
Serious specific damages which can accompany dislocation include fractures of bones (hand), disturbance of integrity of the vessels (transferring blood), injuries of the nerves going through this body part, disturbance of mobility and sensitivity of an upper extremity.
Reasons of dislocation of an elbow joint:
Falling, especially arm-distance is the most frequent reason of dislocation of an elbow. Often this pathology arises in car accidents and at other strong traumatic damages.
Symptoms of dislocation of an elbow joint:
Severe pain in an elbow, hypostasis, impossibility of the movement in a joint speak about dislocation.
In certain cases the person ceases to feel the hand, a brush, pulse on a wrist vanishes.
Emergence of symptoms of damage of the vessels and nerves passing in close proximity with an elbow joint is possible.

Dislocation of an elbow joint (roentgenogram)
Treatment of dislocation of an elbow joint:
The doctor first of all will try to set a joint into place, using special receptions and manipulations on a wrist and a forearm. Considering morbidity of reposition of an elbow joint, before the procedure will carry out powerful anesthesia.
After reposition will surely carry out X-ray diagnosis of a hand and will fix an elbow joint by the tire or a compressing bandage. The recorded hand will be in the form of the turned letter "G" some time. Usually fixing is carried out by means of gypsum, but recently modern clinics apply medical fiber glass. Immobilization is carried out with the purpose to exclude the movement in an elbow joint. The plastered hand ties to a shoulder that it was easier for person to support an upper extremity at one level.
Before an extract home from hospital, the orthopedist (traumatologist) will instruct you as it is correct to behave in daily situations.
It is necessary to carry gypsum the specified span. It is impossible to move a hand in an elbow. Periodically give to an elbow joint the raised situation and put ice for removal of hypostasis and pain.