- Description
- Types of liposarcomas
- Reasons of liposarcomas
- Liposarcoma symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of a liposarcoma
- Forecast
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The liposarcoma is a malignant new growth from mesenchyma lipoblasts. A tumor of the big size with a set small, a number of the located new growths;
The liposarcoma has the following properties:
1. It is localized on hips, retroperitoneal cellulose, buttocks;
2. It is more widespread among people, 40 years are more senior;
3. At men meets more often;
4. It is widespread everywhere;
5. The new growth has slow growth;
6. Metastasises are found in lungs and a liver.
Types of liposarcomas:
On cellular structure allocate:
1. Sclerosing type;
2. Miksoidny type;
3. Adenoid type;
4. Polymorphic or true type;
5. The mixed type;
6. Undifferentiated type;
The high-differentiated liposarcomas have moderate growth and are found because of the big sizes. Low-differentiated grow quickly and are characterized by the expressed clinical symptomatology.

Tissue specimen of fabrics of a liposarcoma
Reasons of liposarcomas:
The reasons and the mechanism of development of a liposarcoma are up to the end not studied.
Risk factors of development of a liposarcoma:
1. Benign tumors of fatty tissue;
2. Beam treatment;
3. Work with asbestos;
4. Frequent injuries;
5. Treatment by corticosteroids.
Liposarcoma symptoms:
The first symptom of a liposarcoma – emergence of a mobile node or swelling, without subjective feelings. To the touch the node can be a different consistence: dense, elastic or elastic. When progressing process skin over a new growth becomes crimson-blue, hot, than surrounding fabrics. When squeezing nerves and vessels causes pain and can ulcerate. At germination of a tumor thromboses, hypostases, motive disturbances develop in large vessels. Symptoms of disturbance of the general state accrue: weakness, appetite loss, apathy.
Tumors of retroperitoneal space grow many years, without any manifestations. The clinical symptomatology appears when the liposarcoma squeezes other bodies. There are pain and weight in a waist, increase in a stomach, an urination delay, impassability of intestines. Disturbance of the general state joins when the new growth begins to break up.
1. Objective research (survey and palpation) of a new growth. The doctor can suspect a liposarcoma on the following signs: painless node of a dense consistence, increase in regional lymph nodes, disturbance of the general condition of the patient.
2. A biopsy with the subsequent cytologic research on atypical cells. In our clinic this research is conducted with use of a needle (puncture biopsy) and by means of a scalpel (an ekstsizionny biopsy). The diagnosis is confirmed if in the studied material mature fatty and unripe atypical cells with spindle-shaped and star-shaped kernels are found.
3. Immunochemical research. Positive reaction to a protein of S-100 and vimentin is characteristic of a liposarcoma.
4. For identification of metastasises the survey X-ray analysis of bodies of a chest cavity and ultrasonography of a liver is appointed.
5. The angiography of vessels is a x-ray method of a research with use of a contrast agent. It is used in case of germination by a tumor of a wall of an artery or vein.

Macrodrug of a remote liposarcoma
Treatment of a liposarcoma:
For treatment of a liposarcoma combinations of the following methods are used:
1. Surgical treatment.
Broad excision of a liposarcoma – at the low-differentiated tumors located on a surface;
Radical removal of a new growth with preservation of body – at deep liposarcomas. During operation the tumor with surrounding fastion and muscles is removed;
Amputation of an extremity at impossibility of performance of organ-preserving operation.
2. Beam treatment.
Radiation therapy is applied in the preoperative and postoperative periods.
3. Chemotherapeutic treatment.
The chemotherapy is appointed only if the tumor gave metastasises. The preoperative chemotherapy provides the good result of surgery, and the postoperative chemotherapy kills the remained cells of a tumor and is prevention of a recurrence.
Side effects.
Treat side effects of chemotherapeutic treatment: weakness, decrease in immunity, hair loss. At topical beam treatment of a complication radiopharmaceutical influences will develop on site. This erubescence, itch, peeling. Upon termination of a course of treatment all side effects pass.
After the carried-out complex treatment:
In 35% of cases the liposarcoma recurs;
Metastasises develop in 30% of cases;
Five-year survival - 60%;
The permanent cure is reached practically in half of cases.