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Fracture of bones of a skull


Fracture of bones of a skull - disturbance of their integrity with formation of cracks, splinters, impressions and openings.

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Fracture of bones of a skull

Symptoms of a fracture of bones of a skull:

The expiration of liquor from a nose, ears.
Bleeding from ears, a nose, a mouth.
Wounds in the head.
Hematomas in the head.
Symptom of "points" - a hematoma in the field of a century and periorbital cellulose.
Signs of damage of cranial nerves.
Fractures of bones of a skull quite often lead to injury of arteries and veins which become a bleeding point in the spaces surrounding brain fabrics. Changes, especially bases of skull, can cause a rupture of a meninx (the layers of fabric covering a brain). As a result of it the cerebrospinal liquid filling space between a brain and a meninx can follow through a nose or an ear. At such changes bacteria sometimes get to a head cavity and cause an inflammation and heavy injury of a brain.

Reasons of a fracture of bones of a skull:

The fracture of bones of a skull results from injuries: blows to the head, car accidents, production injuries, falling from height, bullet wounds.

Treatment of a fracture of bones of a skull:

Fractures of bones of a skull, as a rule, do not demand operation, except for cases when fragments of a bone press on a brain or when skull bones as a result of an injury are pressed or act rather each other.

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