Acute necrotizing ulocace
- Description
- Symptoms of the Acute necrotizing ulocace
- Reasons of the Acute necrotizing ulocace
- Treatment of the Acute necrotizing ulocace
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see also:
- Ulitis
- Catarral ulitis
- Fibrous ulites
- Ulocaces
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The acute necrotizing ulocace (ulocace, fuzo-spirochetotic ulitis or Vincent's ulitis) meets seldom, at children 6 years, preferential are more senior than teenagers. The pathogeny is defined by the changed reactivity of an organism and decrease in resistance of fabrics of a parodont to oral cavity saprophytes.
Symptoms of the Acute necrotizing ulocace:
Symptoms of the general intoxication are expressed: the feeling sick, head is, weakness, weakness, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, a digestive disturbance, the increased musculocutaneous sensitivity, fever. Patients are disturbed by increase and morbidity of submaxillary and cervical lymph nodes, sharp pain and the expressed gingiva bleeding, impossibility of meal, a fetid smell from a mouth, a gingiva ulceration, change of taste and metal smack in a mouth.
At the general survey pallor of integuments, slackness and block of the child, weakness (parents conduct or carry the child), fever, maxillary and cervical lymphadenitis is noted. Reveal a characteristic putrefactive smell from a mouth (галитоз), the expressed hypostasis, a hyperemia, morbidity and the wife's bleeding, a nekrotization of gingival nipples (truncation of tops of interdental liyutzh is characteristic) and marginal edge, an ulceration of a surface of a gum. Sites of an ulceration are located more often in foreteeth, but at heavy process occupy areas of premolar tooths and painters. Gingiva looks sulfur because of a necrotic plaque during which removal there is bleeding. Language is laid over, on teeth of adjournment of the soft and pigmented plaque, saliva viscous, viscous, with blood impurity.
Laboratory researches reveal a leukocytosis, a deviation to the left, increase in SOE in blood and protein in urine. At a histologic research find a gingiva epithelium ulceration, swelling and destruction of collagenic fibers, the expressed leukocytic and limfoplazmotsitarny infiltration.

Clinical picture of a necrotizing ulocace
Reasons of the Acute necrotizing ulocace:
The disease arises at the children weakened after the postponed infections, operations against the background of an immunodeficiency more often (AIDS — acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and a serious chronic illness (a blood disease, etc.), owing to a stress. The contributing general factors — disturbance of food, malnutrition, a vitamin deficiency, overcooling, bad vital conditions. A part is played by local factors: bad hygiene of an oral cavity, adjournment of a dental calculus, density and the complicated teething, carious cavities and the hanging edges of seals, etc. The hormonal imbalance of teenage age, smoking and alcohol raise a susceptibility of children to an infection. Development of an acute necrotizing ulocace is often preceded by a chronic marginal ulitis.
The disease is caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora therefore not kontagiozno.
Treatment of the Acute necrotizing ulocace:
Depending on what severity of a disease, carry out the corresponding treatment which can consist both in professional cleaning of an oral cavity, and in a surgical method of treatment. At a heavy or long current of an ulitis perhaps system use of antibiotics such as penicillin, tetracycline, doxycycline, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin. Apply paracetamol or an ibuprofen to pain relief.