Chronic ulitis
- Description
- Reasons of a chronic ulitis
- Symptoms of a chronic ulitis
- Treatment of a chronic gingvit
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see also:
- Ulitis
- Catarral ulitis
- Fibrous ulites
- Ulocaces
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
The chronic ulitis (localized or generalized) - the most frequent disease of a parodont at children's age, is most often shown as a simple marginal ulitis (a catarral ulitis).
Reasons of a chronic ulitis:
The main reason for a catarral ulitis - microflora of tooth deposits which collect at bad hygiene of an oral cavity.
Other reasons of diseases of a parodont (defects of sealing and denture treatment, ZChA and deformation, keen edges of carious cavities and fangs, orthodontic devices, oral breath, anomalies of an attachment of bridles of lips and language, change of a consistence and structure of protective factors of saliva, etc.) meet less often or are combined with existence of tooth deposits.
At teenage age the main reason for development of an ulitis - a hormonal imbalance. During puberty in tissues of a gum sex hormones which promote increase in permeability of vessels, formation of new vascular networks in dentogingival areas, to accumulation of neutrophils in an epithelium of a gingival furrow collect. It causes disturbance of exchange processes in a parodonta, raised vascular and cellular reactions to usual irritants therefore even the gingiva answers action of obligate microflora with an intensive inflammation, and is frequent also a hypertrophy. The general chronic diseases of an organism of children (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, etc.) also promote development of a chronic ulitis.
Symptoms of a chronic ulitis:
The chronic ulitis is characterized by the fact that the patient, practically, does not feel pain, and the inflammation has a long sluggish current. Therefore, the chronic ulitis quite often is found only on routine inspections in the stomatologist.
During a chronic ulitis periodically there is bleeding when toothbrushing, the unpleasant smell from a mouth appears, there is an easy reddening of a gingiva and swelling of gingival nipples. At an exacerbation of a disease the gingiva gets bright coloring, swells and bleeds. Existence of tooth deposits, sometimes with defeat of solid tissues of tooth is noted.
Inflammatory process can be limited – localized (easy degree of a disease) or generalized – poured (heavy degree of a disease), that is to be limited to interdental nipples and a regional gingiva or extends to all alveolar part of a gingiva.

Chronic ulitis
Treatment of a chronic gingvit:
Treatment of an ulitis in a chronic form begins antiseptic solutions with rinsing of a mouth. Apply hydrogen peroxide solution to rinsings - 1%, хлоргексидин — 0,06%. Antiseptic agents at an ulitis are appointed in the form of rinsings and lotions to gingivas.
The following stage of treatment – removal of tooth deposits and a dental calculus. Two visits to the stomatologist, and antiseptic processing of a mouth after professional cleaning of teeth will be required one or.
The most important component of treatment and prevention of a chronic catarral ulitis – good hygiene of an oral cavity. At a visit to the stomatologist, the doctor will explain with what toothpaste it is necessary to use and as it is correct to use a dental floss.
When the ulitis is followed by a chronic inflammation of gums, then resort to use of antiinflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, Butadionum, indometacin and тд.) and antimicrobic means. In hard cases, the doctor can appoint reception of lincomycin, metronidazole and other antibiotics.
Good results in treatment of a catarral ulitis are shown by administration of physical therapy:
- massage of gums (improvement of microcirculation in gingivas and soft removal of a dental plaque);
- ultraviolet (antibacterial effect);
- electrophoresis;
- local cooling;
- helium-neon laser.