Acute periodontal disease
- Description
- Symptoms of an acute periodontal disease
- Treatment of an acute periodontal disease
- Reasons of an acute peridontit
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Acute periodontal disease – the disease which is followed by destruction of a parodont and a bone tissue of an alveolar shoot.

Acute periodontal disease (on the picture on the right)
Symptoms of an acute periodontal disease:
Distinguish 3 stages of a parodont.
At the I stage there are an itch, bleeding and disorder of sensitivity in gums, and visible changes are absent.
The II stage is characterized by the phenomena of an ulitis and the raised bleeding of gums. They are loosened, dentogingival pockets appear. On the roentgenogram in the field of top of interdental and interroot partitions depression of a cortical layer of a bone is defined. Teeth are mobile, at a nadkusyvaniye pain is felt.
At the III stage there is an atrophy of gums and alveolar shoots to naked necks of teeth, and pain when chewing promotes their shaking. On the roentgenogram the full atrophy of an alveolar shoot is visible, and teeth drop out over time.
Treatment of an acute periodontal disease:
Complex treatment is carried out. The general treatment consists in increase in protective forces of an organism, purpose of biogenic stimulators, vitamins and a balanced diet. Topical treatment includes removal of a dental calculus, washing of gums disinfecting solutions, their massage, a denture and rational hygienic care of gingivas.
Reasons of an acute peridontit:
As well as in case of an ulitis, key factor of a periodontal disease is the inflammation. Any damaging agent influencing fabric as from the outside mechanical, chemical and thermal influences, pathogenic microbes, and from within exchange products, immune factors and so forth can be the reason of an inflammation. The leading role in development of diseases of a parodont is assigned to microorganisms, and most often the inflammation causes not one, and several species of bacteria (is more rare – mushrooms, viruses).
As a result of influence of disturbing factors the structure of cells and tissues of a gum changes, develops disturbances of local exchange and blood supply, permeability of vessels increases. Tissues of a gum undergo pathological changes, regenerate and are not able to fix teeth normally any more.
The accurate interrelation of a periodontal disease with the following diseases is found:
- cysts, periodontitis, apical granulomas;
- LOR-diseases pharyngitis, adenoid disease, antritis;
- chronic cholecystitis, chronic cholangitis;
- chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis, adnexitis, etc.
The periodontal disease often is an ulitis effect if treated treatment of the last negligently. The periodontal disease can also accompany such diseases as a diabetes mellitus, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, AIDS.