Chronic periodontal disease
- Description
- Reasons of chronic periodontitis
- Symptoms of chronic periodontitis
- Treatment of chronic periodontitis
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The periodontal disease is an inflammation of basic tissues of teeth - fabrics of a parodont. Diseases of a parodont in general can be divided into chronic, aggressive and necrotic diseases of a parodont.
The chronic periodontal disease can appear at any age, but is most widespread among adults. The disease is characterized by an inflammation of the bearing designs of teeth and gums in connection with destruction of fabrics of a parodont. Prevalence and disease severity increases with age. Stages of a chronic periodontal disease can be classified as:
1) Insignificant or initial stage of a periodontal disease: process of an inflammation of gums and small loss of a bone tissue therefore parodontalny pockets from 1 to 4 mm in depth is observed.
2) Moderate stage of a periodontal disease: degree of a caries, existence of parodontalny pockets from moderated to deep - from 5 to 7 mm grows, there is a mobility of teeth, fangs become bare.
3) Heavy periodontal disease: strong loss of a bone tissue, increase in depth of parodontalny pockets - 7 mm and more is observed, increased mobility of teeth and intensive stripping of fangs.
Reasons of chronic periodontitis:
The dental plaque is the main reason for a periodontal disease. Persistent infections in gums, lead bacterial toxins and enzymes to the progressing inflammation and a caries. Expansion and consolidation of a dental plaque leads to formation of the dental calculus leaving under a gingiva. Existence of a dental calculus in gingival pockets can lead to a periodontal disease.
Symptoms of chronic periodontitis:
The chronic ulitis (inflammation of gums) is an initial stage of a chronic periodontal disease. In certain cases, when the ulitis remains without treatment, patients have complaints to bleeding of gums or unpleasant smack. Further there is obvious a recession of gums and mobility of teeth appears. Gingivas gain purple-red color, become swelled up and flabby. Gum tissues between teeth collapse and appear gaps between teeth. When pressing a gingiva bleeding or pus can develop. Necks of teeth become bare. The periodontal disease is also a common cause of an unpleasant smell from a mouth.
The caries, supporting teeth brings to:
- to emergence of mobility of teeth;
- to emergence of deep parodontalny pockets;
- to lowering of tissues of gum and stripping of necks of teeth;
- losses of volume of a bone tissue that is visible on a x-ray film.

Stages of chronic periodontitis
Treatment of chronic periodontitis:
The dentist has to plan a complex of medical actions. It means that at the diagnosis a periodontal disease treatment by folk remedies is additional method of controlling with a disease, but not replacement of surgical and therapeutic methods in any way.
If the periodontal disease was found at an early stage of development, then the course of treatment consists in professional toothbrushing, removal of a dental calculus and polish of a surface of tooth. The crown and a root are processed by special brushes which are processed by fluorinated protective structures. The hardened tooth deposits are removed by means of machining or ultrasound. In especially started cases doctors use a curettage – the procedure of removal of deposits by means of special hooks.
If depth of tooth "pockets" exceeds 5 mm – surgical intervention is recommended to patients. The main goal of operation – to eliminate cavities, to stop a rassasyvaniye of fabrics and to do everything possible in order that tooth found stability. Elimination of pathological mobility is made by means of temporary tires or constant prostheses.
As both the generalized periodontal disease, and a chronic periodontal disease are among infectious and inflammatory diseases, specialists usually appoint patients effective antibiotics. Preference is given to tetracycline or lincomycin. Besides, patients have to take care of strengthening of immune system and increase in protective forces of an organism. Both widespread vitamin and mineral complexes, and special means – immunoproofreaders are for this purpose applied. Certainly, treatment of a periodontal disease does not do without timely sealing of painful teeth, correction of a bite and correction of other local risk factors.
Treatment by folk remedies.
Recipes of traditional medicine can help only at early stages of a disease. At development of inflammatory process you should see immediately a doctor and not to abuse self-treatment. Now we will provide the most widespread recipes:
6 grams of dry leaves of cowberry are filled in with a glass of boiled water and boiled within 20 minutes on small fire. Then broth is cooled and filtered. Medicine rinse a mouth every 2-3 hour;
2 teaspoons of flowers of a calendula are ready in 2 glasses of boiled water. Means is used for rinsing of a mouth every 3-4 hour;
at strong bleeding of gums it will be useful to rinse a mouth tincture from blackberry leaves;
against a periodontal disease St. John's Wort broth not bad helps. 2 tablespoons of a grass are filled in with 2 glasses of boiled water and are led up to readiness on small fire within 5 minutes. It is necessary to infuse broth 4 hours then to filter and use for rinsing of an oral cavity 3 times a day.