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Hypovitaminosis P


Deficit of vitamin P, especially in the winter and in the spring the frequent phenomenon even at almost healthy people. Shortage of vitamin P, is shown by the general weakness and bystry fatigue, an onychalgia when walking and in shoulders, small, and then and large skin hemorrhages in the form of dot rashes, bleeding of gums ― is obviously not enough for your organism vitamin P. It is necessary to fill somewhat quicker its shortage differently symptoms can be shown and become serious for example, a hair loss, acne rash, a cyanotic shade of skin, nasal bleedings. The lack of bioflavonoids can arise against the background of long reception of antibiotics (or in high doses) and other strong drugs, at any adverse effect on an organism, for example, an injury or surgical intervention.

Symptoms of the Hypovitaminosis P:

Tells a common symptom about insufficiency of Rutinum: at small pressing on a body bruises develop. In this case it is necessary to accept bioflavonoids in a complex with vitamin C.

Capillaries suffer from deficit of vitamin P, and it can turn back the diseases hazardous to health and lives. At acute shortage of bioflavonoids brain bleedings, as can begin at wounds, however the reason for everything fragile and brittle capillaries. Diseases of other vitals begin with diseases of capillaries too. Start anew to bleed gingivas, hemorrhages on skin and mucous membranes develop. The person becomes weakened and sluggish, quickly gets tired at any loadings, when walking legs hurt, during the work as hands – shoulders. Such state often arises after winter when there are not enough most necessary vitamins including vitamin C without which Rutinum cannot effectively work.

Reception of Rutinum is especially necessary at rheumatism, a septic endocarditis, a radial illness, measles, scarlet fever, allergic reactions, a varicosity, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, and also a retinopathy (changes in an eye retina, more often shown at advanced age).

The vitamin P surplus is not known so far. It is non-toxical, and its excesses are brought out of an organism without any effects.

Bioflavonoids collapse under the influence of tobacco smoke, are dissolved in water, perish on light, open air, at thermal treatment and freezing. Therefore at insufficiency of vitamin P doctors recommend to refuse addictions, to include in food as much as possible the crude, raw products.

Reasons of the Hypovitaminosis P:

Makes, depending on a way of life, 35-50 mg a day. To the growing organism, and also the persons occupied with hard work (physical or intellectual, does not matter), to athletes, at various diseases and stresses the need of an organism for vitamin P increases. At insufficiency of intake of vitamin P in an organism its deficit is shown.

Treatment of the Hypovitaminosis P:

Vitamin P is acquired better in the presence of ascorbic acid, and high temperature easily destroys it. Therefore it is better to subject the products containing this couple to the minimum thermal treatment.

The greatest biological activity on a research of scientists substance with R-vitamin activity dihydromeletin has, drugs with it are produced the pharmaceutical enterprises.

The majority of substances with R-vitamin activity water-soluble, them it is possible to use just like that, but there are also fat-soluble substances, will allow in tea, probably therefore in the east there is a tradition to add to tea fat, and in Europe milk.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hypovitaminosis P:

  • Препарат Аскорутин таб. № 50.

    Ascorutinum таб. No.

    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Никотиновая кислота.


    Hypolipidemic means. Vitamins and vitaminopodobny means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья