DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Stomatology Periodontosis



Periodontosis (synonym: an alveolar pyorrhea) – a widespread disease. People of middle and advanced age regardless of a floor have periodontosis, as a rule, teenagers and children sometimes are ill. Periodontosis occurs at city dwellers considerably more often than at country people. Periodontosis leads to gradual shaking and dedentition. It breaks normal operation of the chewing device, worsens the general condition of the patient, oppresses him.
Representatives of a number of professions are teachers, lecturers, announcers, actors, performing musicians on wind instruments, having lost teeth because of an alveolar pyorrhea, test professional disability in a certain measure.
In translation from Greek the alveolar pyorrhea means "suppuration from a tooth pole". In 1905 it was defined that periodontosis affects all fabrics around tooth. It caused the third name of a disease – амфодонтоз.
As incidence of periodontosis is considerable, its prevention and timely treatment play an important role.

Periodontosis reasons:

As for the periodontosis reasons, there are two points of view. The first regards periodontosis as exclusively local disease which is caused by a dental calculus, an excessive overload of teeth and microbes.
It is known that the dental calculus is postponed on teeth to a greater or lesser extent, depending on care of an oral cavity and teeth, a condition of a mucous membrane of a mouth, quality of saliva and the general state of health of the person. Insignificant accumulations of a dental calculus do not cause essential changes. A significant amount harms gingivas and peridental fabrics. In the presence of a dental calculus the edge of a gum ceases takes part in chewing. Blood circulation and food of gums is broken, there is her chronic irritation. Gingiva swell, become friable, bleed, redden. This phenomenon is some kind of decubitus, as a result of a long prelum a dental calculus. However the dental calculus is not the direct reason of periodontosis.
Negatively excessive loading at a smykaniye influences teeth and surrounding fabrics. However periodontosis arises also at the people having a normal bite. Therefore,  this mechanism is not the prime cause. In gingival channels favorable conditions (humidity, optimum temperature, nutrients) for the strengthened development of causative organisms are created. These microbes complicate the course of a disease.
Thus, these factors – the dental calculus, an overload of teeth, microbes in itself do not cause periodontosis.
Other point of view is that periodontosis is caused by the general frustration in an organism.
It is established that periodontosis often happens at patients with chronic disorders of digestive tract, disbolism. Periodontosis is caused also by diseases of hemadens. Periodontosis meets more often at those who had flu, malaria, typhus earlier, and also people with a lack of vitamins.
Recently the crucial role of disturbances of a nervous system is defined. There is also a theory saying that periodontosis – one of effects of atherosclerosis of small vessels of a parodont.

Periodontosis symptoms:

Periodontosis proceeds in 3 stages: initial, heat of a disease and permission stage.
In an initial stage a gingiva do not undergo noticeable changes. Sometimes patients feel burning in gingivas, a pricking, a slight itch, especially in the mornings. There is desire to clench teeth to get rid of this feeling. At the beginning of a disease teeth can be a little mobile, a gingiva keep a normal look. Sometimes they are inflamed or pale. After a while the mucous membrane of gums considerably reddens. Bleeding, especially in front lower teeth amplifies. Often between teeth, preferential average cutters, the scarcely noticeable crack inclined to increase is formed. A long time patients do not see a doctor in connection with low-expressiveness of symptoms. When progressing a disease there is an aching gum and jaws pain which amplifies when chewing. The edge of a gum and interdental nipples swell, redden, become friable and bleed at the slightest touch. The gingival edge easily exfoliates from communication with destruction of a circular sheaf. Going deep, the gingival pocket becomes pathological. When pressing muddy liquid or even pus can be emitted for it. Also considerable stratifications of a dental calculus are observed.
The stage of a heat of a disease is followed by pain when chewing, an unpleasant smell from a mouth, bleeding of gums. Some patients complain that they ceased to feel the teeth – they as if grew dumb. It becomes frequent saliva of blood, brownish because of impurity, from the affected gums. After a dream patients find brown spots on a pillow, after toothbrushing – on a brush. Gingiva considerably swells, can become cyanotic, congestive. Nipples, in places departing from tooth fabric, bare a neck of tooth and interdental spaces. Parts of food which got stuck in interdental spaces become impregnated with blood, begin to wander, rot, unpleasantly to smell. The edge of a gum loses the correct scalloped drawing. The neck of tooth becomes bare, becomes sensitive to cold and heat, and meal instead of pleasure brings only pain.
Further the gingiva exfoliates from tooth even more. Waste products of the microbes accumulating in pathological gingival pockets influence a gingiva, a periodontium, than strengthen processes of its disintegration. Owing to infection of granulations in the depth of a gingival pocket there is their purulent fusion. Teeth lose stability, their unsteadiness is noticeable. Gradually the disease passes into a closing stage. It is difficult to patient to chew firm food; from a gingiva considerable suppuration is observed, teeth are loosened. Roots almost completely become bare, especially it is noticeable at big molars. At most of patients in a closing stage of periodontosis the subdingival abscesses differing in the expressed morbidity form.
Unlike the inflammatory (purulent) form of periodontosis described above its dry form is characterized by a rassasyvaniye of bone tooth poles in longer span. Gingivas are almost not inflamed, do not exfoliate from tooth, do not form deep pockets, there is no suppuration. They gradually settle, a horn of teeth become bare, teeth leave poles and seem extended. They sharply react to cold, heat, chemical irritants. Eventually teeth are loosened and drop out.
At some patients periodontosis develops gradually, without causing severe pain. Only some teeth are loosened so that they need to be deleted. In case of such favorable course of a disease teeth can execute the functions throughout a long span (10-15 years). Of course, it is promoted by a rational work-rest schedule, good nutrition, satisfactory condition of health in general and diligent hygienic care of an oral cavity.
At other patients the periods of a quiet course of a disease are replaced by frequent aggravations. Each exacerbation of periodontosis worsens dental health and becomes the reason of disturbances in the neighboring sites of a periodontium that leads to shaking of new teeth. The exacerbation of periodontosis is more often observed owing to physical overfatigue, after the postponed somatopathies.
At other patients periodontosis from the very beginning differs in an adverse current.
Various complications of periodontosis are observed. Among them local – an inflammation of a pulp (pulpitis), tooth periosteums (periodontitis), jaws (osteomyelitis), etc.
Bad chewing of food because of instability or loss of teeth, a systematic or periodic proglatyvaniye suppurating and planting by microbes of digestive tract leads to gastritis and other diseases. Microorganisms can also get to the respiratory highway and cause conceal an inflammation.
Seldom purulent form of periodontosis is complicated by septic process in heart (endocarditis), diseases of joints, an inflammation of urinogenital system.

Поражение зубов при пародонтозе

Damage of teeth at periodontosis

Внутриротовая рентгенограмма зубов нижней челюсти при пародонтозе

The intra oral roentgenogram of teeth of a mandible at periodontosis

Treatment of Periodontosis:

Efficiency of treatment of periodontosis is provided with a number of factors:
1. The early beginning of therapy does it more successful. At the first stage of a disease it is possible to stop process development. However patients meet to the doctor already at an advanced disease more often.
2. Special value has the sequence and systematicity of treatment, and also a priderzhivaniye by the patient of all instructions and recommendations.
3. Exclusive significance is attached to the general condition of an organism of the patient.

Beginning treatment of periodontosis, first of all exclude everything that irritates and injures a gingiva and a tooth pole. The loosened, destroyed teeth which cannot be strengthened or sealed up delete. The dental calculus is also subject to cleaning. Deep gingival pockets treat surgically or medicamentally. Purulent granulations need to be scraped out. The overload of teeth is liquidated by means of orthopedic means – tires, prostheses; the dropped-out teeth  replace artificial. Apply various physiotherapeutic procedures to improvement of a metabolism, healing of peridental fabrics – darsonvalization, a diathermy, very high frequency, an electrophoresis, massage of gums, and also various rinsings.
Effectively work at treatment of periodontosis vitamins, in particular such as vitamin A, With, E, Century.
Much also the balanced diet of the patient, in particular, structure of food, its full value means. Also the food consistence is important. Recommend to expand with sick periodontosis milk and vegetable and to limit meat food. It is necessary to limit also salt consumption.

Smell from a mouth during  treatment of periodontosis, the phenomenon quite natural.  The similar problem can be solved in the razy ways. As a rule, people mask them a chewing gum and antibacterial conditioners. A chewing gum harmful influences a GIT, and effect of them temporary. Antibacterial conditioners kill natural flora that can strengthen a problem only.  There are many methods, but  now doctors most often recommend special means against an unpleasant smell from a mouth – CB12.  It is the only  product which does not mask, and  neutralizes volatile compounds, thereby saves  from an unpleasant smell. In distinguishing from other conditioners it affects directionally the smell reason, at the same time keeps effect of 12 hours and does not break normal flora of an oral cavity. Stomatologists recommend CB12 even pregnant and feeding.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Periodontosis:

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