DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medicines Immunomodulators Natrium nucleinicum

Natrium nucleinicum

Препарат Натрия нуклеинат. РУП "Белмедпрепараты" Республика Беларусь

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredient: 100 mg of Natrium nucleinicum in 1 capsule.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Action of Natrium nucleinicum is shown in induction of leukocytic reaction, stimulation of activity of marrow, intracellular metabolism and nucleinic exchange, stimulation of T - and V-system and phagocytal system of immunity, especially at immunodeficiencies, and anti-toxic resistance of an organism and decrease in toxic immunosuppressor properties of tsitostatik (Cyclophosphanum), antibiotics, hormones and cardiac glycosides; regenerations of fabric at dystrophies and ulcer defects, including at trophic ulcers of extremities, ulcer diseases of a stomach and a 12-perstny gut, ulcer colitis and other processes at which defects of immune system are registered; prevention or reduction of intensity of allergic reactions.

Pharmacokinetics. Natrium nucleinicum pharmacokinetics is in detail not described.

Indications to use:

Natrium nucleinicum is applied in complex therapy as immunomodulator: at the diseases which are followed by development of an immunodeficiency (diseases of upper respiratory tracts and various pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, ulcer processes of gastroduodenal area, a herpetic keratitis, diseases of kidneys and a liver, mental disorders, etc.); at a leukopenia and an agranulocytosis, a lymphocytopenia; at disturbances of phosphoric exchange (a fosfaturiya, rickets, etc.); at dystrophy and ulcer processes, including tapetoretinalny dystrophies of a retina; at periodontosis; at the raised exercise stresses (athletes) and work in extreme conditions; for increase in activity of low-immunogene vaccines and vaccination of people with immunodeficiencies; for prevention of postoperative bacterial complications and improvement of healing of wounds; for treatment and prevention of bacterial and professional intoxications; for recovery of the immune status at persons of advanced and senile age.

Route of administration and doses:

Natrium nucleinicum is applied inside after food. The single dose makes 1 — 2 g in 2 — 4 receptions for 2 weeks — 3 months and more.

To children appoint in the following doses: aged till 1 year on 0,005 — 0,01 g on reception, from 2 to 5 years on 0,015 — 0,05 g, from 5 to 7 years on 0,05 — 0,1 g, from 8 to 14 years on 0,2 — 0,3 g 3 — 4 times a day.

Elderly persons and people of senile age can accept drug 2 times a year, in the spring and in the fall on 1 — 1,5 g a day for 2 — 3 weeks with polyvitamins.

At leukopenias appoint the adult 0,1 — 0,2 g 4 times a day within 10 days and more (depending on the course of a disease). To athletes — on 1 — 1,5 g a day in 2 — 3 receptions for competitions. For prevention of professional vrednost drug accept in a daily dose 1 — 1,5 g courses for 2 — 3 weeks, 1 — 2 time a year. Treatment by Natrium nucleinicum is carried out under control of the immune status.

Side effects:

Still it is not described.

Interaction with other medicines:

At use of drug in case of acute bacterial infections Natrium nucleinicum is used together with antibiotics.

Undesirable medicinal interaction at purpose of Natrium nucleinicum together with other medicines is not described.


There are no contraindications to drug use.

Low-molecular RNA and its sodium salt (Natrium nucleinicum) are drugs natural, with the physiological mechanism of action, entering all food stuffs of plant and animal origin, non-toxic, not having restrictions and incompatibility with other medicines.


The overdose phenomena at use of drug are not revealed.

Issue conditions:

According to the recipe


Capsules of 100 mg in a blister strip packaging No. 10х2, No. 10x3.

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