Nebula decadignity

Producer: LLC Yuriya-Pharm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D08A
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: decamethoxynum; 1 ml of solution of 0,2 mg of decamethoxynum;
Excipients: sodium chloride, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The antimicrobic antifungal drug concentrating on a cytoplasmic membrane (TsPM) of a microbic cell and connecting to fosfatidny groups of lipids of a membrane, breaking permeability of TsPM of microorganisms. Decamethoxynum has the expressed bactericidal effect concerning stafilokokk, streptococci, a diphtheritic and pyocyanic stick, capsular bacteria and fungicidal action concerning yeast, drozhzhepodobny mushrooms, activators of an epidermophitia, trichophytosis, microsporia, erythrasma, some species of mold mushrooms (aspergilla, penicillia), protistotsidny action concerning trichomonads, lyambliya, virusotsidny action. It is highly active concerning the microorganisms steady against antibiotics. Formation of forms, steady against decamethoxynum, at prolonged use happens slowly and does not exceed effective concentration of drug. Bacteriostatic (fungistatic) concentration are similar to its bactericidal (fungicidal), virusotsidny, protistotsidny concentration. In the course of treatment by drug sensitivity of antibiotikorezistentny microorganisms to antibiotics increases.
Pharmacokinetics. Drug is practically not soaked up by mucous membranes, the unimpaired skin and a wound surface.
Indications to use:
Treatment of pustulous bacterial and fungus diseases of skin, microbic eczema, pyoinflammatory defeats of soft tissues (abscess, anthrax, phlegmon, furuncle, contaminated wounds, felon); dental diseases (stomatitis, an ulcer and necrotic ulitis, dystrophic - an inflammatory form of periodontosis of the I-II degree in an aggravation phase). It is shown at abscess of a lung, a bronchoectatic disease, the cystous hypoplasia of lungs complicated by suppuration, chronic bronchitis in an aggravation phase, an adenoid disease, quinsy, a carriage of stafilokokk and diphtheritic sticks, ulcer colitis, a paraproctitis.
At surgical infectious and inflammatory diseases of an abdominal cavity (peritonitis of various etiology) and in pulmonology Dekasang apply to washing of an abdominal and pleural cavity.
In urology drug is used at an urethritis (for instillations in an urethra), a balanoposthitis (for trays), prostatitis (for microclysters), cystitis (for instillations in a bladder), for irrigations of a bladder during the postoperative period.
In gynecologic practice Dekasang apply to treatment of candidiasis of a mucous membrane of a vagina, inflammatory diseases of external genitals of a microbic etiology, prenatal sanitation of patrimonial ways, treatments of a puerperal endometritis.
The decadignity is applied to disinfection of skin of hands of medical staff, rubber gloves at inspection of patients and performance of medical manipulations, operative measures of small volume, presterilizing disinfection of medical tools and the diagnostic equipment from metal, by rubbers, polymeric materials and glass.
Route of administration and doses:
At purulent and fungal infections of skin, contaminated wounds solution is applied to washings, lotions. To washing of a bladder solution of decamethoxynum is applied after preliminary cultivation 1:7 cleared by water in number of 500–600 ml (on a course of treatment — 7–20 washings). For treatment of a proctitis and ulcer colitis warm solution is entered in an enema on 50–100 ml by 2 times a day before full elimination of symptoms of an exacerbation of a disease. Fistulas at a chronic paraproctitis wash out Dekasang daily within 3–4 days.
At damages of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity apply in the form of applications on 25–50 ml within 10–15 min. or rinsings (100–150 ml). At dystrophic - an inflammatory form of periodontosis of the I-II degree in a phase of an aggravation carry out an irrigation by warm solution of pathological pockets of gums (50–70 ml) or applications on a gingiva to reduction of expressiveness of the inflammatory phenomena. The patient with candidiasis of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, an ulcer and necrotic ulitis appoint rinsing of an oral cavity (100–150 ml) 4 times a day within 5–10 days.
Treatment of candidiasis of palatine tonsils, adenoid disease carry out by washing of lacunas of palatine tonsils (50–75 ml on washing).
At a carriage of staphylococcus, a diphtheritic stick sanitation is carried out by rinsing of a pharynx, washing of lacunas, by irrigations of a nasopharynx, almonds. Lacunas wash out 3–5 times every other day.
At abscess of a lung, a bronchoectatic disease, the cystous hypoplasia of lungs complicated by suppuration chronic bronchitis in an aggravation phase Dekasang enter endobronkhialno:
through a microtracheostoma — on 25–50 ml 1–2 times a day;
through a transnasal catheter — on 5–10 ml of 1 times a day;
by method of ultrasonic inhalation — on 5–10 ml 1–2 times a day;
by means of lavage of a tracheobronchial tree — of 100 ml.
Treatment duration — 2–4 weeks.
For treatment microbic, fungal and a mecotic vaginitis Dekasang apply in the form of syringings (50–100 ml of the drug which is warmed up to 38 °C 3 times a day). In the same way carry out prenatal sanitation of patrimonial ways once. Treatment of a puerperal endometritis is carried out by washing by warm drug of a cavity of the uterus (150–200 ml) by 2 times a day.
Disinfection of skin of hands, rubber gloves carry out by drawing 5–10 ml of drug on previously washed up surface, hypodispersion on all surface which is subject to disinfection within 5 min.
The cleared medical tools, mouthpieces, tubes and the equipment disinfect by immersion in solution for 30 min.
Features of use:
The decadignity does not cause toxic manifestations. However, before use of drug for band irrigations and in endobronchial practice, it is reasonable to carry out skin tests on individual sensitivity to drug.
Dekasang who is warmed up to +38 degrees Celsius has more effective effect.
During pregnancy of contraindications to use Dekasang is absent. It does not get through skin and mucous membranes into the woman's organism.
Side effects:
At persons with individual hypersensitivity emergence of rash on skin after drug use is possible; at endobronchial introduction — feeling of heat behind a breast which disappears independently in 20–30 min. after the end of a procedure.
Interaction with other medicines:
Decamethoxynum — cationic surfactant therefore it is incompatible with soap and other anion substances.
Decamethoxynum increases sensitivity of antibiotikorezistentny microorganisms to antibiotics.
Individual hypersensitivity to drug.
Due to the lack of system absorption of cases of overdose it is noted.
Storage conditions:
The decadignity is stored in the unavailable to children, protected from light place. Temperature of storage is 18-25 degrees Celsius.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Solution of 0,02% bottle of 50 ml.
Solution of 0,02% bottle of 100 ml.
Solution of 0,02% bottle of 200 ml.
Solution of 0,02% bottle of 400 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 50 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 100 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 250 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 500 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 1000 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 2000 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 3000 ml.
Solution of 0,02% container (polymeric package) of 5000 ml.