Tantum to a verda

Producer: Aziende Chimiche Ruinite Angelini Francesco (Aziyende Kimike Riunite Anzhelini of Francesco) Italy
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A01AD02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
- on one tablet for a rassasyvaniye:
Active ingredient - benzydamine a hydrochloride - 3 mg
Excipients: isomaltose. рацементол, aspartame, citric acid monohydrate, fragrance mint, fragrance lemon, dye quinolinic yellow (Е 104), indigo dye carmine (Е 132).
- on 100 ml of solution for topical administration of 0,15%:
Active ingredient - benzydamine a hydrochloride - 0,15 g
Excipients: ethanol of 96%, glycerin (глицерол), methylparahydroxy-benzoate, fragrance menthol, saccharin, Natrii hydrocarbonas, polysorbate 20, dye of quinolinic yellow 70% (Е 104), dye of blue patent 85% (Е 131), the purified water.
- on 100 ml of spray for the topical administration dosed 0,255 mg / a dose:
Active ingredient - benzydamine a hydrochloride - 0,15 g
Excipients: ethanol of 96%, глицерол, methylparahydroxybenzoate, fragrance menthol (flavoring additive), saccharin, Natrii hydrocarbonas, polysorbate 20, the purified water.
Pharmacological properties:
Benzydamine is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, belongs to group of indazol. Has the antiinflammatory and local anesthetizing effect, possesses antiseptic action against a wide range of microorganisms.
The mechanism of effect of drug is connected with stabilization of cellular membranes and inhibition of synthesis of prostaglandins.
Benzydamine has antibacterial and specific antimicrobic effect due to bystry penetration through membranes of microorganisms with the subsequent damage of cellular structures, disturbance of metabolic processes and lysis of a cell.
Possesses antifungal action concerning Candida Albicans. Causes structural modifications of a cell wall of mushrooms and metabolic chains of mitset, thus interferes with their reproduction that was the basis for use of benzydamine at inflammatory processes in an oral cavity, including an infectious etiology.
Pharmacokinetics. At topical administration drug is well absorbed through mucous membranes and gets into the inflamed fabrics. Excretion of drug occurs generally kidneys and through intestines in the form of metabolites or products of conjugation.
Dosage forms for topical administration do not possess systemic action and do not get into breast milk.
Indications to use:
Inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity and ENT organs (various etiology):
- an ulitis, a glossitis, stomatitis (including after beam and chemotherapy);
- quinsy, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis;
- candidiasis of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity (as a part of a combination therapy);
- calculous inflammation of sialadens;
- after operative measures and injuries (a tonsilectomy, jaw fractures);
- after treatment or an exodontia;
- periodontosis;
At the infectious and inflammatory diseases demanding system treatment use of Tantum® of Verde as a part of a combination therapy is necessary.
Route of administration and doses:
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye of 3 mg: to the adults sick of advanced age and children from 3 years, appoint on 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. To hold a tablet in a mouth to a full rassasyvaniye (for bigger effect it is desirable most long).
Solution for topical administration of 0,15%: to the adults sick of advanced age and children from 12 years appoint for rinsing of a throat or an oral cavity, use 15 ml of drug (the measured glass is applied) 2-3 times a day.
- not divorced solution is used for rinsing at inflammatory processes;
- to use divorced solution (and 15 ml of water to mix 15 ml of drug in a measured glass) daily for hygienic rinsings of a mouth and throat.
Spray for topical administration dosed 0,255 mg / a dose: each 1,5-3 h appoint the adult and the patient of advanced age 4-8 doses;
- to children at the age of 3-6 years - on 1 - 4 doses (as much as possible - 4 doses) each 1,5-3 h;
- to children at the age of 6-12 years — on 4 doses each 1,5-3 h.
Course of treatment:
- at inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity and ENT organs (various etiology): from 4 to 15 days;
- at odonto-dental pathology: from 6 to 25 days;
- after operative measures and injuries (a tonsilectomy, jaw fractures) at use of spray and solution: from 4 to 7 days.
At use of drug during long terms, consultation of the doctor is necessary.
Features of use:
If at use of solution there is a burning sensation, solution should be diluted previously with water twice, by finishing water level to risks in the graduated glass. It is necessary to avoid hit of spray in eyes.
Influence on ability to driving of an avtotrasport and to control of mechanisms: drug does not exert impact on ability to manage motor transport and other activity requiring special attention.
Side effects:
Local reactions: dryness in a mouth, feeling of numbness, burning in an oral cavity. Allergic reactions: skin rash. Very seldom: laryngospasm.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established clinically significant interaction of the drug Tantum® of Verde with other medicines.
- hypersensitivity to any of drug components;
- children's age up to 3 years;
- children's age up to 12 years (for use of solution of 0,15%);
- a fenilketonuriya (for use of tablets).
Pregnancy and lactation
Use of drug is possible during pregnancy and a lactation (breastfeeding).
Now about cases of overdose of the drug Tantum® of Verde it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye - at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place protected from light.
Solution for topical administration - at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place protected from light.
Spray for topical administration dosed - at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place protected from light.
To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye of 3 mg:
- 10 tablets, each of which is wrapped in the waxed paper, place in a wrapper from two-layer aluminum foil;
- 2 wrappers with 10 tablets in everyone together with the application instruction place in a cardboard pack.
Solution for topical administration of 0,15%:
- 120 ml of solution in the bottle of colourless transparent glass closed by the screw-on cover from polyethylene with the sealing ring from polyethylene.
- the glass from polypropylene having graduation of 15 and 30 ml is applied to a bottle.
- the bottle together with the graduated glass and the application instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.
Spray for topical administration dosed 0,255 mg / a dose:
- 30 ml (176 doses) of solution in the bottle from polyethylene of white color supplied with a pomp and the press device with the developing cannula.
- 1 bottle together with the application instruction are placed in a cardboard pack.