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The tonsilectomy is a surgery on full removal of palatine tonsils which saves the person both from infections, and from the numerous problems arising owing to their emergence. In recent years indications to carrying out similar operations were significantly revised that is caused by side effects which are observed at patients after a tonsilectomy.
Indications and contraindications

Carrying out operation is shown at the adenoid diseases which are combined with other infectious and allergic diseases including polyarthritis, diseases of cardiovascular system, kidneys, bilious ways, TsNS and a thyroid gland. Let's note that the tonsilectomy is carried out only after comprehensive examination of patients and the reasonable decision on admissibility of surgical intervention.  At the same time for operation an optimum moment between the periods of an exacerbation of diseases is chosen that allows to reduce risk of emergence of complications after a tonsilectomy. As the big part in complex treatment of various infections is assigned to operation, all interested specialists are involved in discussion of indications, including: therapists, pediatricians and otolaryngologists.

Before recent time the tonsilectomy was widely applied at treatment of tonsillitis, however, in recent years operation began to be done much more rare  that is connected with unpleasant effects which can find themselves after surgical intervention. At the same time, improvement of methods and techniques of treatment, and also development of the new, modern equipment considerably narrowed quantity of contraindications for a tonsilectomy. Now surgical intervention is contraindicated to patients at whom are observed:
pronounced renal, pulmonary or cardiovascular decompensation;
the expressed blood diseases – leukoses, hemophilia, a hemorrhagic syndrome, stenocardia;
3rd stage of an idiopathic hypertensia;
active tuberculosis and other infectious diseases are temporary contraindications. Carrying out operation is admissible, but it becomes during the period between aggravations when the risk of emergence of complications after a tonsilectomy is minimized.

What effects the tonsilectomy can cause? First of all, it weakens protective functions of an organism. Almonds prevent hit of harmful microbes, watch a condition of the inhaled air, partly control quality of food stuffs and participate in immunity development. Respectively, their removal deprives of the person of an important protective barrier, and the organism needs time for accustoming to new conditions of life activity. Besides, in the first weeks after operation of fabric of an oral cavity will have "stress" which proves irritation in a throat, cough and other unpleasant effects.



The used drugs:

  • Препарат Амбен.



    "Profit Pharm" Russia

  • Препарат Тантум верде.

    Tantum to a verda

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NPVP).

    Aziende Chimiche Ruinite Angelini Francesco (Aziyende Kimike Riunite Anzhelini of Francesco) Italy

  • Препарат Трахисан.


    Antimicrobic and mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.

    Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH&Co.KG Germany

  • Препарат Имудон.



    Solvay Pharmaceuticals, (Solvey Pharmasyyutikalz) GmbH Germany

  • Препарат Декатилен.


    Drug with antimicrobic and mestnoanesteziruyushchy action for topical administration in the LOR-expert and stomatology.

    LLC Mepha, Switzerland

  • Препарат Тонзилотрен.


    Homeopathic remedy.

    Deutsche Homoepathie-Union (Deutsche Homeopati-Union) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья