
Producer: Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH&Co.KG Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R02AB52
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets for a rassasyvaniye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: tyrothricin of 0,5 mg; lidocaine hydrochloride of 1 mg; hlorgeksidina биглюконат 1 mg.
Pharmacological properties:
Drug contains a combination of the substances having antimicrobic properties and mestnoanesteziruyushchy action.
Tyrothricin is a mix of the different cyclic and linear (aliphatic) polypeptides operating antibakterialno. Mix contains up to 70–80% of tyrocidin — alkaline cyclic decapeptide and 20–30% of gramicidin — neutral linear pentadecapeptide.
Tyrocidin leads to release from bacterial cells of the substances containing nitrogen and phosphorus which like cationic detergents destroy an osmotic barrier of a membrane of a bacterial cell. Tyrocidin influences bakteritsidno the growing and sharing microorganisms.
Gramicidin creates the kationoprovodyashchy channels in a cellular membrane of a bacterium leading to change of intracellular concentration of cations and a cytolysis. The Gramitsidinovy component promotes further separation of processes of tissue respiration and oxidizing phosphorylation.
The action spectrum of tyrothricin extends to gram-positive cocci, bacteria and some species of mushrooms, for example Candida albicans.
Unlike antibiotics, at use of tyrothricin do not note cross resistance of microorganisms. This property is caused by the special mechanism of effect of tyrothricin.
Hlorgeksidin and his salts have a wide range of antimicrobic action of rather gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
The mechanism of action of a hlorgeksidin is based on its affinity to a cellular cover of microorganisms which properties change owing to contact with active agent.
Lipophilic groups of a hlorgeksidin cause disaggregation of a lipoprotein membrane of a cellular cover, break osmotic balance in cells that destroys an activator cell cytoplasmic membrane.
Influence on some gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas, Proteus), yeast, dermatophytes and mycobacteria is insignificant. Hlorgeksidin is inefficient against disputes of mushrooms, putrefactive mushrooms, viruses.
Lidocaine the hydrochloride is local anesthetic of amide type. Drug causes blockade of natrium channels of nerve fibril owing to what process of depolarization of a membrane of a nervous cell through active potential is broken. At the same time transfer of excitement in fibers of sensory nerves is blocked.
Indications to use:
Inflammatory and infectious diseases of an oral cavity and throat, such as stomatitis, ulitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and other states which are followed by swallowing disturbance. For prevention of infections before surgical intervention on sites of an oral cavity and throat (extraction of tooth, a tonsilectomy).
Route of administration and doses:
To accept on 1 tablet, rassasyvy in an oral cavity each 2 h. The daily dose for adults and children is aged more senior than 12 years — 8 tablets; for children from 4 to 12 years — 6 tablets. As a rule, symptoms of a disease disappear in several days, but for achievement of stable therapeutic effect it is recommended to continue therapy of 2-3 more days. If in 5 days of use of drug the condition of the patient does not improve, consultation of the doctor is necessary.
Features of use:
It is not recommended to use drug at children aged 4 years as drug needs to be rassasyvat are younger.
Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast. There is no experience of use of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Trakhisan does not contain sugar therefore its reception does not promote development of caries of teeth and therefore drug can be used at patients with a diabetes mellitus, using recalculation of sakharozameshchayushchy substance of sorbitol on grain units (0,69 g of sorbitol correspond to 0,057 XE).
Side effects:
Usually Trakhisan is well had. Emergence of short-term changes of taste, temporary numbness of language is possible. At prolonged use in isolated cases emergence of insignificant coloring in yellow or light brown color of teeth, fillings and prostheses or language is possible, in such cases it is necessary to adhere to careful hygiene of an oral cavity. Coloring disappears independently after the termination of administration of drug.
Interaction with other medicines:
Are not revealed.
At hypersensitivity to any component of drug. In case of intolerance of fructose use is possible only after consultation with the doctor.
Cases of overdose are not described.
Storage conditions:
At the room temperature in the dry place.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The tab. for сос. blister, No. 10, No. 20.