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Hemorrhagic syndrome


The hemorrhagic syndrome, or tendency to a skin hemorrhage and bleeding of mucous membranes, arises as a result of changes in one or several links of a hemostasis.

Symptoms of the Hemorrhagic syndrome:

Distinguish 5 types of a hemorrhagic syndrome.

    * Gematomny. It is typical for hemophilia And yes In, it is characterized by developing of painful intense hemorrhages in soft tissues and joints, gradual development of dysfunctions of a musculoskeletal system.

    * Petekhialno-pyatnisty (sinyachkovy). Arises at thrombocytopenia, a trombotsitopatiya, disturbance of coagulant system (hypo - and a dysfibrinogenemia, hereditary deficit of factors of coagulation).

    * The mixed sinyachkovo-gematomny. Develops at heavy deficit of factors of a prothrombin complex and factor of XIII, an angiohemophilia, the IDCS, overdose of anticoagulants and trombolitik, emergence in blood of immune inhibitors of factors VIII and IX and it is characterized by a combination petekhialno-spotty skin hemorrhages with separate big hematomas in retroperitoneal space, an intestines wall. Unlike gematomny type, hemorrhage in a cavity of joints arises extremely seldom. Bruises can be extensive and painful.

    * Vaskulito-purpurny type. It is observed at infectious and immune vasculites, easily transformed to the IDCS and characterized by a hemorrhage in the form of rash or an erythema on an inflammatory basis, possible accession of nephrite and intestinal bleeding.

    * Angiomatous type. Develops in zones of teleangiectasias, angiomas, arteriovenous shunts and it is characterized by the persistent local hemorrhages connected with zones of vascular pathology.

With a certain share of probability to assume pathology of a vascular and platelet or coagulative link of a hemostasis it is possible on features of hemorrhagic manifestations.

Reasons of the Hemorrhagic syndrome:

The hemorrhagic syndrome can бытьобусловлен such pathology as defeat of a vascular wall, disturbance of structure, function and quantity of thrombocytes, disturbance of a coagulative hemostasis. When determining the reasons of bleeding it is necessary to consider that one types of pathology are frequent, others — are rare, and the third — are extremely rare. From inherited disorders of a hemostasis most often in therapeutic practice trombotsitopatiya, A hemophilia, an angiohemophilia, a Cristmas disease, from vascular forms — a teleangiectasia meet. Secondary thrombocytopenia and trombotsitopatiya, the IDCS, deficit of factors of a prothrombin complex and a hemorrhagic vasculitis become the reason of the acquired forms of a hemorrhagic syndrome most often. Other forms are rare or very rare. It is necessary to consider that in recent years even more often disturbances of a hemostasis and, as a result, a hemorrhagic syndrome are connected with reception of the medicines breaking aggregation of thrombocytes (antiagregant) and coagulability of blood (anticoagulants), and also psychogenic forms — neurotic bleeding and Myunkhgauzen's syndrome.

Treatment of the Hemorrhagic syndrome:

At bleedings and surgical interventions - administrations of cryoprecipitate and struyno freshly frozen plasma. Doses and frequency of their introduction can be 2-3 times less, than at A. S's hemophilia of the first and till last day of a menstrual cycle, and also at nasal and gastrointestinal bleedings appoint inside aminocapronic acid (8-12 g/days) or carry out a hormonal hemostasis. Prevention. To avoid marriages between patients (including between relatives) in connection with the birth of children with a severe homozygous form of a disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hemorrhagic syndrome:

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