Acute ulitis
- Description
- Reasons of an acute ulitis
- Symptoms of an acute ulitis
- Treatment of an acute ulitis
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see also:
- Ulitis
- Catarral ulitis
- Fibrous ulites
- Ulocaces
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
The acute ulitis is inflammatory diseases of gums which often arises at young people up to 30 years and at children. Among all diseases of a parodont (soft tissues around teeth) more than 90% of all population suffer from an ulitis. The acute, or chronic periodontal disease and periodontosis at which there is a loss of healthy teeth becomes an ulitis complication without due treatment.
Reasons of an acute ulitis:
One of the most common causes of development of an ulitis is insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity and the wrong care of teeth. As a result of it on teeth the dental plaque which turns into dense adjournment or stones eventually is formed at first. Dental calculi are no other than microorganisms which densely adjoin to teeth which are called still tooth plaques.
Besides, distinguish the following reasons of an ulitis and the contributing factors which can cause a disease:
Mechanical injuries and existence of stomatitis in language, herpetic, candidosis stomatitis.
Leftovers between teeth.
Untight seals on teeth.
Hormonal imbalance in an organism.
Chronic diseases.
Reduced immunity.
Stresses and psychosomatic diseases.
Allergic diseases.
Reception of oral contraceptives.
Existence in food of salts of heavy metals.
Symptoms of an acute ulitis:
The acute ulitis is characterized by the following symptoms:
Inflammation of gums.
Reddening and morbidity of soft tissues around teeth.
Puffiness and deepening of a gingival furrow (formation of a gingival pocket).
Bleeding of gums (especially when toothbrushing).
Hypersensitivity of a gingiva.
Difficulty of the act of chewing and swallowing.
If you find in yourself ulitis symptoms, immediately address for consultation the dentist whose task are establishment of the reasons, forms of a disease and purpose of the corresponding treatment.
At this disease existence – the red, inflamed, edematous gingiva for which when pressing blood and pus can be emitted is also characteristic.

Treatment of an acute ulitis:
For obtaining good result at treatment it is necessary to establish causes of illness, a form and extent of damage of gums, and also activators which parasitize in soft tissues of an oral cavity. All this can be made only on reception at the doctor in dental clinic.
Mistake of many patients that they begin to be treated independently, having attended dental forums that, eventually, can lead to chronic process and irreversible effects.
Treatment of an ulitis begins with elimination of all reasons and factors which caused a disease. In most cases sanify an oral cavity, especially at children. Treatment of caries, cleaning of teeth of plaques (a plaque and stones), replacement of sealing material belong to these measures.
Except local procedures, it is necessary to sanify the chronic centers of an infection in an organism and to hold a number of the events increasing the general immunity. For this purpose use antibiotics (read in details about treatment of an ulitis antibiotics), antifungal means, and also immunomodulators and antioxidants. As for treatment of a ginigvit at pregnant women, it has some features. Treatment of an ulitis in house conditions, or folk remedies perhaps after approval of the doctor.