Acute cholangitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Acute cholangitis
- Reasons of the Acute cholangitis
- Treatment of the Acute cholangitis
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Acute cholangitis - an acute inflammation of hepatic bilious channels.

Structure of a 12-tiperstny gut
Symptoms of the Acute cholangitis:
Sharko's triad is characteristic of the acute ascending cholangitis:
1). Pain in right hypochondrium.
2). Fever.
3). Jaundice.
Bol in right should distinguish hypochondrium from Murphy's symptom that is characteristic of cholecystitis.
When progressing two more signs (Reynaud's pentade) are added:
4). Confusion of consciousness.
5). Septic shock.
Reasons of the Acute cholangitis:
The acute cholangitis develops at obstruction of bile-excreting channels. Most often it is caused by cholelithiasis, is more rare - a pancreas tumor.
Also the cholestasia can develop at chronic pancreatitis (the stricture of the general bilious channel develops)
Treatment of the Acute cholangitis:
Conservative treatment:
- hunger
- prescription of antibiotics
- infusion of liquids
Surgical treatment. Types of operations:
- an endoscopic papillosfinkterotomiya with the subsequent laparoscopic cholecystectomia
- only an endoscopic papillosfinkterotomiya (at high risk)
- laparoscopic cholecystectomia
- open cholecystectomia
- decompression bilious ways