Tension headache
- Description
- Tension Headache symptoms
- Tension Headache reasons
- Treatment of the Headache of tension
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The headache of tension is the most widespread type of a headache. It does not possess such bright and unusual manifestations as migraine or cluster pain, it "is banal" and does not cause great concern at first.

Types of a headache
Tension Headache symptoms:
The headache of tension is the most widespread type of a headache. It does not possess such bright and unusual manifestations as migraine or cluster pain, it "is banal" and does not cause great concern at first. The headache of tension is well killed by anesthetics. And for this reason it is most artful: she begins to be treated only when usual pain medicine does not help or their quantity becomes, considerably big.
Headache of tension are usually pressing, aching, arching bilateral temple pains, or a darkness, or frontal. They seldom are followed by nausea, or dizziness. They can arise at overfatigue, weather changing, disturbances of the mode. They till a time do not cause working capacity disturbance, do not prevent to live. They can leave. But, if the reason of pain remains and there is a predisposition to painful dysfunctions, and also reception of anesthetics becomes weekly – pains become frequent and become more intensive. Medicine for removal of pain is taken in large numbers and gradually becomes stronger. And, eventually, there comes the moment when pain is almost always present, periodically amplifies to intolerable.
Tension Headache reasons:
Genetics, way of life and uncontrolled reception of the anesthetizing drugs – tension headache reasons. Genetically at people with such type of a headache exists neurochemical features in system of the painful analyzer of a brain when neurons test an overload, gradually losing abilities to recovery of a condition of rest. The way of life with disturbance of conditions of recovery or the increased power consumption promotes manifestation of this genetic predisposition. And reception of anesthetics destroys possibilities of an organism most to struggle with pain.
So the heaviest type of a headache of tension forms: chronic headache of tension. It is daily or almost daily, sometimes the round-the-clock headache. I have patients who throughout all life (since the childhood) test a similar state. If pain is not intensive, it allows them to study, to work, establish a family, but all this at half strength, all actions of such people consider existence of pain, pain "directs" their life. More often those whom the head hurts 5-10-20 who passed all possible researches and the most exotic methods of treatment come to reception. Gradual increase in intensity of pain forces to look for the help, and if it is not successful, the psychology of the "incurable" patient forms. The doctor who could help such patient feels not smaller joy, than the patient. And there is a strong wish that readers understood that it is not necessary to pull a situation until when any more anesthetics do not help. If you began to take weekly medicine during, at least 3 months – it is necessary to look for the qualified help.
Treatment of the Headache of tension:
The headache of tension is well killed by anesthetics. And for this reason it is most artful: she begins to be treated only when usual pain medicine does not help or their quantity becomes, considerably big.