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Retroperitoneal fibrosis


Retroperitoneal fibrosis (Ormond's disease) is the ronichesky nonspecific not purulent inflammation of fibroadipose fabric of not clear etiology causing a gradual compression and disturbance of passability tubular сруктур retroperitoneal space (most often ureters).

Symptoms of Retroperitoneal fibrosis:

There are no pathognomonic symptoms for Ormond's disease. Time from the beginning of a disease before the first manifestations fluctuates from 2 months  to 11 years. For the first time the diseased sees a doctor with complaints to constant dull ache of aspastic character in a lower back or side departments of a trunk. Pain often irradiates in the lower half of a stomach, a groin, external genitals, or the anteromedial site of a hip. At first pain can be unilateral, can become bilateral. Increase in the ABP, fatigue, a loss of appetite is possible. Tumorous education in a stomach or a basin is palpated in 30% of cases.
The symptoms caused by a prelum of tubular retroperitoneal structures can appear through various terms after initial complaints from 1 month to 2 years in time. Carry ureters,  an aorta and the lower vena cava to such structures. Gradual progressing is characteristic. Partial or full obstruction of ureters is revealed at 75-85% of patients. The anury or an oliguria is noted. The chronic renal failure is characteristic. Symptoms of venous hypertensia in the form of hypostases of the lower extremities, to the varikotsela, portal hypertensia, thrombosis of the lower vena cava, meet rather seldom.

Reasons of Retroperitoneal fibrosis:

The etiology of a disease is unknown. There are 2 main theories of its emergence - inflammatory and immune. Some researchers carry this disease to group of true kollagenoz. Allocate a number of the factors promoting developing of a disease: malignant new growths, a chronic inflammation in a liver, a pancreas, the sclerous processes in retroperitoneal cellulose arising at chronic diseases of intestines in female generative organs, tubercular damage of a backbone and some other infections, radiation, posttraumatic retroperitoneal hematomas, systemic lesion of vessels, toxic influence of a number of himiopreparat.

Treatment of Retroperitoneal fibrosis:

Surgical. Efficiency depends on early detection of a disease and degree of a renal failure.

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