Parenchymatous bleeding
- Description
- Symptoms of Parenchymatous bleeding
- Reasons of Parenchymatous bleeding
- Treatment of Parenchymatous bleeding
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see also:
- Nasal bleeding
- Capillary bleeding
- Bleedings
- Post-extraction bleeding
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Parenchymatous bleeding is the expiration of blood from sosoud of parenchymatous bodies.
Symptoms of Parenchymatous bleeding:
Blood vessels of parenchymatous bodies are intimately connected with a parenchyma therefore they are not fallen down, bleeding happens usually plentiful, long, stops with great difficulty. Feature of these bleedings in massiveness owing to plentiful vascularization of a parenchyma of bodies.
Reasons of Parenchymatous bleeding:
Parenchymatous bleeding arises at damage of parenchymatous bodies (a liver, a spleen, kidneys).
Treatment of Parenchymatous bleeding:
The stop of bleeding can be difficult and demand from the surgeon of use of various methods. It is necessary to apply a fibrinny film, haemo static seams, electrothermic coagulation, etc.

Sewing up of a liver as method of the termination of parenchymatous bleeding