DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Cardiology Stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery

Stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery


Stenosis of a pulmonary artery (stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery) – heart disease at which there are narrowings of an opening between a right ventricle and a trunk of a pulmonary artery. It leads to increase in the sizes of a right ventricle of heart and disturbance of a hemodynamics.

At men the stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery arises twice more often than at women.

Гемодинамика при стеное устья легочной артерии

Hemodynamics at wall mouths of a pulmonary artery

Symptoms of the Stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery:

The insignificant stenosis of a pulmonary artery can proceed without any symptoms. At the expressed narrowing at the patient arise:
- bystry fatigue
- dizziness and faints
- asthma
- thorax pains at an exercise stress
- skin cyanosis at an exercise stress

Reasons of the Stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery:

- inborn heart disease
- the acquired heart disease at which narrowing happens due to vegetations in case of an infectious endocarditis or various tumors of heart

Treatment of the Stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery:

In case of identification of vegetations or a tumor of heart which caused a stenosis of the mouth of a pulmonary artery surgery during which these educations are removed is performed.

If this heart disease inborn, then is carried out a vulvuloplastika (expansion of an opening between a right ventricle and a pulmonary artery by means of the special cylinder entered into it).

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