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Epidemic pleurodynia


Pleurodynia epidemic — an acute infectious disease with characteristic attacks of pain in a breast; usually is followed by fever, is more rare — pleurisy.
Epidemiology. The disease is widespread everywhere; seasonality with rise in incidence of summer and is characteristic in the fall. The main way of transfer — fecal and oral and contact (through a nasopharynx discharge). Ways of penetration of the activator and distribution are identical to that at a poliomyelitis virus. The main natural tank — the person, but can circulate also at various animals, for example pigs. The disease is most often observed at children.

Symptoms of the Epidemic pleurodynia:

The acute beginning with muscular pains in an upper part of a stomach and/or in a breast, fever and a headache is characteristic. The disease samoogranichivatsya usually during 2–4 days, but sometimes drags on up to 7–8 days. Quite often observe a recurrence.

Research methods. A bacteriological research of washouts and smears from a nasopharynx, contents of intestines with which infect cultures of cells (for example HeLa or kidneys of monkeys) and mice suckers (the last is especially significant for identification of the viruses of group A showing a weak cytopathogenic effect of in vitro). Serological tests (for example, RSK).

Reasons of the Epidemic pleurodynia:

Activators — Koksaki's viruses In (1–6 types).

Вирус Коксаки - этиологический агент плевродинии

Koksaki's virus is an etiological agent of a pleurodynia

Treatment of the Epidemic pleurodynia:

Treatment — symptomatic (analgetics, sedative, if necessary — the drugs stimulating cardiovascular activity).
Complications. Orkhita, Plastic pleurites, perikardita, aseptic meningitis (seldom).
Forecast in most cases favorable; lethal outcomes at persons with associated diseases are registered.

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