Torsion of guts
- Description
- Reasons of torsion of guts
- Symptoms of torsion of guts
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of torsion of guts
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Torsion of guts is a form of obstruction when the gut is overwound around itself. As a result obstruction of the closed loop and obstruction of an open loop develops (near the place of twisting).
In process of continuation of torsion blood circulation in a mesentery and in the gut involved in process that conducts to a gut necrosis if torsion is quickly not liquidated surgically is broken. Torsion can happen only in the departments of a gut having a long mesentery. Therefore most often it arises to the 8th small bowel.
Reasons of torsion of guts:
In addition to a long mesentery, the chronic lock, the use of rough food in a large number can have a certain value. Frequency of torsion of guts is higher at patients of psychiatric clinics. This disease occurs at men more often than at women.

Development of torsion of guts
Symptoms of torsion of guts:
The disease begins with a strong sudden abdominal pain. Quickly abdominal distention accrues. Pain is often connected with a peristaltics. Vomiting is uncharacteristic, blood in Calais can be in a small amount.
The exact diagnosis is usually established in the analysis of the survey roentgenogram and especially after a barium enema. In a survey picture the expanded intestinal loop, moving of a gut to unusual situation, levels of air and liquid are visible. The contrast research allows to establish approximate localization of intestinal impassability.
Treatment of torsion of guts:
At torsion of a small bowel quickly there comes her gangrene. Therefore early diagnosis and urgent operation has special value. Operation consists in elimination of torsion or, more often, in bowel resection with imposing of an anastomosis.
At torsion of a sigmoid colon it is possible to make attempt of races boards of torsion by means of a colonoscope. If the device manages to be carried out through the overwound gut segment, then there are otkhozhdeny liquids and gas then there occurs bystry improvement of a condition of the patient. Further observation because of danger of fecal peritonitis in connection with a nonexcluded possibility of a necrosis of the overwound site of a gut is necessary. If this action is unsuccessful, then immediate operation is necessary.