Aneurism of hepatic vessels
- Description
- Symptoms of Aneurism of hepatic vessels
- Reasons of Aneurism of hepatic vessels
- Treatment of Aneurism of hepatic vessels
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Aneurisms of a hepatic artery meet редко and make the fifth part of all aneurisms of vistseyoralny vessels.
Symptoms of Aneurism of hepatic vessels:
Clinical manifestations are various. Only at a third of patients the classical triad is noted: zhelyotukha, abdominal pains and hemobilia. A frequent simpyotom are abdominal pains; the period from their poyavyoleniye to a rupture of aneurism can reach 5 months.
60 — 80% of patients with the reason of primary obrayoshcheniye to the doctor have a rupture of the changed vessel to the expiration of blood in an abdominal cavity, bilious ways or digestive tract and development of a hemoperitoneum, hemobilia or hematemesis.
Ultrasonography allows to put preliminary диагноз; it is confirmed by means of a hepatic arteyoriografiya and KT with contrasting. Pulse Doppler ultrasonography allows to reveal turbulence of a blood-groove in aneurism.

Aneurism of a hepatic artery at the patient with a subacute bacterial endocarditis on an angiography
Reasons of Aneurism of hepatic vessels:
Aneurysms of pecheochny arteries can be a complication of a bakyoterialny endocarditis, a nodular periarteriyoit or arteriosclerosis. Among the reasons the role of mechanical damages, for example a vsledyostviye of the road accidents or medical interventions, such as operations on the bilious ways, a biopsy of a liver and invasive rentyogenologichesky researches increases. False aneurisms occur at patients with a chronic pankreatiyot and formation of pseudocysts. The hemobilia is often connected with false aneurisms. Anevyorizma happen inborn, inside - and vnepeyochenochny, the size from a pin head to grapefruit. Aneurisms reveal at an angiography or accidentally find during hirurgichesyoky operation or at autopsy.
Treatment of Aneurism of hepatic vessels:
At intra hepatic aneurisms priyomenyat embolization of a vessel under control of an angioyografiya. At patients with anevyorizm of the general hepatic artery surgical intervention is necessary. At the same time the artery is tied up above and lower by places of aneurism.