Outside hemorrhoids
- Description
- Symptoms of Outside hemorrhoids
- Reasons of Outside hemorrhoids
- Treatment of Outside hemorrhoids
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see also:
- Hemorrhoids
- Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Hemorrhoidal bleeding
- Prevention of hemorrhoids
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Being the most widespread disease of a rectum, hemorrhoids can proceed in different forms. Depending on where nodes are located, allocate hemorrhoids outside (or external), internal and combined. All these forms meet equally often, bringing to patients the mass of unpleasant feelings.
The disease is well studied, and in modern medical literature there is enough information on how hemorrhoids external are shown and how to treat this pathology.
The fact that nodes constantly are located outside around an anus is characteristic of external hemorrhoids and out of an aggravation do not disturb the person at all. They can have the different sizes and are formed due to expansion and protrusion of walls of veins of a hemorrhoidal texture which normal is located under crotch skin near an anus.

Arrangement of internal and outside hemorrhoidal nodes
Symptoms of Outside hemorrhoids:
Quite often the first symptoms of a disease appear even before significant increase in nodes:
- An itch and discomfort in the field of an anus. If at the same time to comb skin, then there is also an irritation.
- Blood traces on toilet paper. Bleedings are, as a rule, not characteristic of outside hemorrhoids, especially if nodes of the small sizes. But at their increase dense fecal masses can injure skin with allocation of insignificant amount of blood. Besides, when there are outside hemorrhoids — bleeding at defecation can arise from proctal cracks which quite often accompany this form of a disease.
- At emergence of an aggravation when nodes inflame, swell, there is one more manifestation – pain during a chair, but in a quiet state, at remission, this symptom is absent.
- And, of course, cones around an anus which can have the different sizes and which the patient gropes fingers.
As a rule, outside hemorrhoids — symptoms of which are not so numerous — begins to disturb the person at an exacerbation of a disease, and in a stage of remission there are no special complaints.
Reasons of Outside hemorrhoids:
Inborn weakness of a venous wall contributes to formation of external hemorrhoids, however nodes only under certain conditions are stuck out:
- If the person moves a little, and generally sits or costs.
- If there are problems with a chair, locks disturb, and defecation is followed by long expectation or a natuzhivaniye.
- If the person by the nature of activity is forced to lift weights or does strength sports.
- If favourite food of the patient – the meat dishes flavored with a good portion of hot spices and alcohol.
And women often have outside hemorrhoids at pregnancy and after the delivery, especially repeated.
At action of all these factors there is an overflow of veins of a basin and a crotch blood that at weakness of a venous wall leads to its stretching and protrusion, that is, to formation of nodes, and hemorrhoids both outside, and internal at the same time can form.
Treatment of Outside hemorrhoids:
Treatment of outside hemorrhoids is usually directed to removing an inflammation in a node and to remove related swelled also pain. Different antihemorrhoidal medicines are for this purpose used.
Treatment of outside hemorrhoids folk remedies can be rather effective too, but provided that nodes small, and are not present thrombosis.
That external hemorrhoids medicine has the necessary effect, it has to be picked correctly up, according to those processes which happen in a node.
Local therapy can be carried out by both candles, and ointments. All modern antihemorrhoidal ointments and candles from outside hemorrhoids contain several components. First, this some hormonelike material possessing powerful antiinflammatory, antiedematous and antipruritic action. Secondly — the local anesthetic giving analgesic effect. And, thirdly, the component liquefying blood and interfering a thrombogenesis or the resorptional already formed blood clot. Most often this substance is heparin.