Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Description
- Symptoms of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Reasons of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Treatment of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
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see also:
- Hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoidal bleeding
- Outside hemorrhoids
- Prevention of hemorrhoids
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Topographical divide thrombosis of outside, internal or those and other nodes. Distinguish three severity of acute hemorrhoids. At the first degree hemorrhoidal nodes have the small size, a tugoelastichesky consistence, are painful at a palpation, are located below the gear line of the proctal channel. At the second degree more expressed hypostasis of the most part of perianal area, a hyperemia, an anus sphincter spasm, sharp morbidity at a rectal research is observed by a finger. At the third degree all circle of an anus is edematous and hyperemic. At survey the crimson or cyanotic-crimson internal hemorrhoidal nodes acting from an anus are visible. The rectal research is impossible because of sharp morbidity and the expressed anus sphincter spasm. In certain cases on nodes there is a fibrin plaque, sites of black color – a node wall ulceration with a necrosis can visually be marked.
Formation of blood clot more often not in all, and in one of outside nodes is its reason. Usually hardly visible dense education is under crotch skin epidermis near an outside sphincter. Process can strike all circle of skin around an anus, but the isolated hypostasis of perianal skin around the thrombosed hemorrhoidal node develops more often.

Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
Symptoms of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes:
Usually patients with acute hemorrhoids complain as it happens at proctal cracks of the constant pain which is not connected with the act of defecation. Pains can amplify when emptying a large intestine, especially at patients with a lock. At the same time there comes the cutaneous dropsy. There is no correlation between the sizes of the thrombosed node and expressiveness of pains which are individual for each person and can be strong, even intolerable, or on the contrary, insignificant at the increased and thrombosed nodes.
The diagnosis of acute hemorrhoids is made rather simply. Pains in an anus quite often develop after dysfunction of intestines or after reception of purgatives. At survey the cyanotic thrombosed consolidation, painful comes to light at a palpation. Any research of a rectum, including manual, is complicated because of pain. It will be out only after subsiding of acute process. In 30-35% there is a necrosis of the thrombosed node and spontaneous evacuation of blood clot through the formed defect of a mucous membrane. This process is followed by bystry simplification, but at the same time from defect blood, sometimes very plentifully can be emitted.
Outcome of acute thrombosis of outside hemorrhoidal nodes is development of the hemorrhoidal fimbrias caused by local stretching of perianal skin. These painless skin hemorrhoidal fimbrias often mistakenly take for outside hemorrhoidal nodes.
Reasons of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes:
Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes can be a consequence of an exacerbation of a chronic disease or sharply develop. This complication occurs on average at 38–41% of patients with acute hemorrhoids.
Treatment of Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes:
At acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes the emergency hospitalization in specialized department is shown. Inadmissibly out of hospital conditions reposition of the dropped-out thrombosed hemorrhoidal nodes as similar manipulations can cause considerable injuries of a mucous membrane, bleeding and more serious, life-threatening a sick complication. At acute thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal nodes the bed rest, sedentary bathtubs with potassium permanganate solution, the cold lotions using lead of acetate or 2% of solution of hydrosodium carbonate replaced everyone half an hour is recommended. In 1 - 2 day it is reasonable to apply heat sedentary baths. Inside give anticoagulants (under control of a prothrombin ratio). Appoint a molochnorastitelny diet, a liquid paraffin inside on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Also physiotherapeutic procedures can be appointed. Perhaps operational treatment of acute phlebothromboses of anorectal area and in the acute period of a disease.