Prevention of hemorrhoids
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see also:
- Hemorrhoids
- Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Hemorrhoidal bleeding
- Outside hemorrhoids
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Treatment of hemorrhoids by means of various ointments, tablets, microclysters, infusions, low-invasive methods and even surgeries - occupation extremely important as otherwise it just will not allow you to live quietly.
But, as we know, a disease it is better to warn, than to treat therefore here we will provide the basic rules which need to be observed to avoid problems with hemorrhoids. Recommendations without fail need to be observed also to people, sick hemorrhoids as they are an integral part of both conservative, and any other method of treatment of this disease.
If, features of your work are that that you sit much, then once an hour you should do a 5-10-minute break for walking or other exercise stresses. It is better to replace too easy chair rigid. Professional drivers should not be driving more than three hours in a row. In way it is necessary to do breaks during which it is active to move.
It is regularly necessary to strengthen stomach muscles to improve blood circulation in a small pelvis. The following set of exercises for prevention of hemorrhoids is possible (it is developed by specialists):
- standing with the crossed legs, rhythmically strain muscles of buttocks and an anus.
- sitting on a chair with a rigid seat, the back is straightened, the case is slightly given forward, rhythmically strain anus muscles.
- lying on spin with the legs bent in knees and an emphasis on a foot which are located at shoulder length, leaning on a foot and a shoulder girdle, tear off from a floor and lift a basin.
- lying on spin, alternately raise direct legs.
- lying on spin with the raised direct legs, part legs in the parties, then reduce and cross as scissors.
- lying on spin with the raised legs, carry out the movements by legs, as during driving the bicycle.
- lying on spin, densely press the legs bent in knees to a stomach.
- from a prone position facedown with the emphasis on knees, palms and elbows serially in both parties turn a basin so that buttocks touched a floor.
These exercises train gluteuses, a proctal sphincter and muscles of a prelum abdominale, improve local blood circulation and outflow of blood from bodies of a basin, stimulate intestines, promote a passage of flatus. It is necessary to carry out exercises on 10 - 15 times, 2-3 times a day.
On the other hand, the overstrain of muscles in this area is contraindicated. Therefore it is impossible to do power exercises. Also driving the bicycle, equestrian sport will not do good. The power gymnastics, rise in various weights (kettlebell sport) is contraindicated.
In food adhere to that diet which will not cause either disorder of intestines, or a lock. It follows from this that it is necessary to eat less flour and milk (except sour-milk), to add bran to food, there are more vegetables. Bifidosoderzhashchy kefirs are recommended for daily consumption. The use of mineral waters increases physical activity of intestines. Are recommended highly - and srednemineralizovanny waters, and also the waters containing ions of magnesium and sulfates, such as Yessentuki No. 4 and 17, "Moscow" - on 1 glass of room temperature 3 times a day.
After each defecation it is not recommended to use rough paper, it is necessary to be washed away by cool water after each defecation. Considering that at normally working intestines the daily chair has to be in the morning, it is quite real. By the way, say that residents of rural areas in Central Asia have no hemorrhoids as they since the childhood are accustomed to the similar hygienic procedure.

Options of development of hemorrhoids