Hemorrhoidal nodes
- Description
- Symptoms of Hemorrhoidal nodes
- Reasons of Hemorrhoidal nodes
- Treatment of Hemorrhoidal nodes
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see also:
- Hemorrhoids
- Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes
- Hemorrhoidal bleeding
- Outside hemorrhoids
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Hemorrhoidal nodes are the vascular educations located both in distal department of a rectum and under crotch skin.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoidal nodes:
Hemorrhoidal nodes are attached to walls of the proctal channel by connecting (fibrous) and muscle fibers. Gradual development of dystrophic processes in a fibromuscular framework leads to the shift of nodes towards an anus, and, eventually, to their loss. It is promoted by a long natuzhivaniye at defecation, a habit to smoke or even to read in a toilet.
Patients complain of unpleasant feeling of a foreign body in an anus, weight in a groin when walking. All these symptoms are explained by swelling of the hemorrhoidal nodes overflowed with blood.
The itch and burning are display of an erosion of walls of hemorrhoidal nodes. Besides, insignificant releases of blood lead to irritation of a mucous membrane and skin of an anus.
Pain at defecation, walking and in a sitting position. These are characteristic symptoms of the beginning attack of acute hemorrhoids, i.e. infringement of a hemorrhoidal node. As around an anus a large number of receptors is located, pain can be very strong. Arching pain in an anus amplifies when walking and during defecation, and sometimes becomes intolerable so the patient is not able neither to sit, nor to go.

Thrombosis of an outside hemorrhoidal node
Reasons of Hemorrhoidal nodes:
Hemorrhoidal nodes meet at acute and chronic hemorrhoids.
Treatment of Hemorrhoidal nodes:
Treatment of hemorrhoids depending on severity and character of a current is carried out.