Eskulyus compositum

Producer: Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01CX10
Pharm group: Drugs for treatment of heart diseases
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops for oral administration.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substance: 10 g of Aesculus hippocastanum D1, 1 g of Secale cornutum D3, 1 g of Viscum album D2, 1 g of Nicotiana tabacum D10, 1 g of Solanum nigrum D6, 1 g of Arnica montana D3, 1 g of Echinacea D2, 1 g of Baptisia tinctoria D4, 1 g of Toxicodendron quercifolium D4,1 of of Cuprum metallicum D13, 1 g of Ruta graveolens D4, 1 g of Solanum dulcamara D4, 1 g of Colchicum autumnale D4, 1 g of Barium iodatum D6, 1 g of Hamamelis virginiana D4, 1 g of Apis mellifica D4, 1 g of Acidum benzoicum e resina D4, 1 g of Eupatorium cannabinum D3, 1 g of Arteria suis D10, 1 g of Natrium pyruvicum D8 in 100 g of drug.
Excipients: ethanol of 96%, the water purified. Drug contains 35% about. ethanol of 96%. 1 ml of drug contains 21 drops.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug normalizes a condition of venous blood circulation and microcirculation. Effect of drug is based on activation of protective forces of an organism and normalization of the broken functions at the expense of substances of plant, mineral and animal origin, being a part of drug.
Indications to use:
In complex treatment of disturbances of peripheric circulation: diabetic angiopatiya of vessels of the lower extremities of the II-III degree, varicosity, including hemorrhoidal nodes, obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities and their gangrenous state, postinsultny and postinfarction states, decubituses, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy.
Route of administration and doses:
Single dose: the adult − on 10 drops 3 times a day in 15-20 minutes prior to or in 1 hour after food. To dissolve drops in 10 ml of water and to drink, detaining for several seconds in a mouth (it is possible not to dissolve, and at once to drip under language). At an attack of pain in the lower extremities which is followed by lameness it is recommended to accept a single dose each 15 minutes before improvement of a state, but no more than 2 hours. Further to pass to reception 3 times a day.
Course of treatment − 4-6 weeks. If necessary in 2-3 weeks the course of treatment is repeated (after consultation with the doctor).
Features of use:
Appropriate security measures at use. At long manifestations of symptoms or an aggravation of symptoms it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Do not apply.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. It is unknown.
Children. Drug is not used to children.
Side effects:
In isolated cases there can be side reactions from a digestive tract or skin reactions, including in several days after use.
Seldom or never persons with hypersensitivity to plants have families of a thistle family (for example, Arnica, Echinacea) or to other components of drug allergic reactions can be observed.
After use of the drugs containing Echinacea extracts side reactions from a digestive tract (nausea, an abdominal pain) were observed, menstrual frustration, an acne, an enanthesis, reddening, an itch, urticaria, excitement, a sleep disorder, in isolated cases – a face edema, the complicated breath (asthma), dizziness and a lowering of arterial pressure.
Interaction with other medicines:
Owing to an immunopromoting effect the purple cone-flower can reduce efficiency of the drugs having an immunodepressive effect.
Hypersensitivity to plants of family of a thistle family (including Arnica, Echinacea) families of a poisonous ivy, a mistletoe white or to other components of drug.
Tuberculosis, leukemia, oncological diseases, inflammatory diseases of connecting fabrics (collagenic diseases, including rheumatism, system lupus erythematosus), autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, diseases of system of blood, AIDS, HIV infection, immunosuppression or immunodeficiency of various etiology and other chronic viral diseases.
Chronic гранулематозні diseases and аутоімунопат і ї, a hyperthyroidism with unbalanced metabolic disturbance. Acute inflammatory and feverish states.
It is not necessary to apply at dysfunctions of a thyroid gland without consultation with the doctor.
Strengthening of manifestations of side reactions is possible.
Storage conditions:
To keep a bottle in external cardboard packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the places unavailable to children! A period of validity - 5 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The cardboard pack contains a glass bottle dropper on 30 ml.