Cancer of chest gland at men
- Description
- The reasons of a breast cancer at men
- Symptoms of cancer of chest gland at men
- Cancer therapy of chest gland at men
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The breast cancer at men makes about 1% of all cases of a breast cancer at women. That is it diseases occurs at men by 100 times less than at women.
The reasons of a breast cancer at men:
At men the mammary gland (chest gland) is underdeveloped. It is connected with the low level of female sex hormones which are responsible for development of mammary glands. The volume of fabrics of chest gland is very small, however at a certain stimulation the size of these fabrics increases. Influence of carcinogens in turn can also lead to development of cancer.
The major contributing factor of development of a breast cancer in men is the gynecomastia - dishormonal increase in mammary glands. It is known that 30-70% of cases of a breast cancer at men develop against the background of a gynecomastia, in particular at its knotty form.
Some researchers point that the breast cancer develops more often at workers of hot workshops, at men to whom in the childhood radiation therapy on a chest wall was for one reason or another carried out. Authentically more often the breast cancer at Klaynfelter's syndrome develops, at Jews and Blacks.
Symptoms of cancer of chest gland at men:
The main symptom of a breast cancer at men is existence of education in a mammary gland. Usually the tumor is located under a nipple, an areola or near them. Bloody allocations from a nipple are quite often noted. At an advanced carcinoma the skin ulceration is noted. At spread of a tumor to axillary lymph nodes their increase is noted. They become dense.

Symptoms of cancer of chest gland at men
Cancer therapy of chest gland at men:
Cancer therapy of a mammary gland at men is carried out by the same principles, as treatment of this tumor at women. The main approach is the combination of local and system (general) methods of treatment. So, it is used surgical (mastectomy) and beam treatment as local methods, and also chemotherapeutic and hormonal as system methods of treatment.
In general results of cancer therapy of a mammary gland at men it is worse than at women. Possibly, the fact that tumors in small chest gland leave limits of body quicker matters. The fact that men ask for the help later is obvious.