Fatty necrosis of a mammary gland
The term "fatty necrosis" entered W.Balser in 1882. Fatty necroses (stearin plaques, a necrosis of fatty tissue) are focal necrosis of fatty tissue owing to an injury on a certain site.
The fatty necrosis of a mammary gland belongs to high-quality changes of a mammary gland. The essence of a disease consists in emergence of a necrosis (necrosis) of fatty tissue on a certain site.
Reasons of a fatty necrosis of a mammary gland:
The fatty necrosis of a mammary gland arises most often owing to injuries. As a result of damage of small vessels the site of fatty tissue can lose blood supply therefore there is a necrosis.
As the injuring factor insignificant blows can act (for example, an elbow in transport, bruises about jambs of doors, etc.).
Also as an origin of a necrosis holding a session of radiation therapy when carrying out the operations having organ-preserving character and also during the presurgical period can serve.
It is possible to refer to origins of a necrosis of fatty tissue also bystry loss of weight.
Symptoms of a fatty necrosis of a mammary gland:
Usually the disease does not prove painful feelings and it can be revealed as a result of a palpating at medical examination. But both painful feelings and even pains at palpation can be shown. Also it can be observed a hyperadenosis and "dimples" on skin.
The fatty necrosis does not turn into a malignant tumor, however can simulate it. At mammography, ultrasonography the fatty necrosis can be defined as a malignant tumor that demands active tactics - a biopsy, and if necessary and performance of a sectoral resection.
Treatment of a fatty necrosis of a mammary gland:
For treatment of a fatty necrosis it is necessary to carry out removal of the center of a fatty necrosis. In most cases, such measure assumes carrying out a sectoral resection of a mammary gland.
The woman should treat more carefully the breast, to preserve it against bruises, and also to ask timely for medical care in case of need.