Breast cancer
Breast cancer (breast cancer) – a tumor of a mammary gland with zlokachestvennost signs. The problem of a breast cancer is urgent for all countries, and the lethality for its reason tends to growth.
Reasons of the Breast cancer:
In the modern literature lighting origins of a breast cancer the part is assigned to three major factors: to disturbance hormonal balance, to the contributing moments and "a milk factor".
Against the background of disturbance of neuro and humoral correlation in an organism of the women who are followed eventually by increase in level of estrogen arise dishormonal a hyperplasia with proliferation of an epithelium of channels in the beginning. Further on this basis the breast cancer can develop. Development of a breast cancer and without participation of dishormonal factors is possible. The hereditary factor is the contributing moment participating in developing of this disease. The so-called "factor of milk" in relation to developing of a breast cancer at the person has still theoretical value.
It should be noted extremely low interest of a breast cancer at women with high reproductive capacity and a long lactation. During pregnancy and breastfeeding hormonal function of ovaries goes down. It, perhaps, prevents development of a breast cancer. Cancer is observed in a preklimakterichesky or early climacteric, at the age of 45-55 years. It indicates communication of climacteric dishormonal frustration with the frequency of developing of a breast cancer. After 65 years the breast cancer meets seldom owing to senile involution of mammary glands. The breast cancer occurs also at children.
The dominating role in developing of a breast cancer belongs to disturbance of balance of sex hormones.
Symptoms of the Breast cancer:
The breast cancer arises in the form of the single center (unicentric) in the thickness of ferruterous fabric. In rare instances the tumor occupies the whole segment or the sector of gland. Gradually expanding and increasing in sizes, the tumor gets into surrounding fabrics, and there is a distribution of its cellular elements on ways of natural outflow of a lymph and a hematogenous way. Clinical forms of a breast cancer are very various. Quickly growing and sharply arising tumors belong to especially malignant forms of cancer diffuzno: infiltriruyushchy, lymphatic and ulcer forms of cancer, armor-clad, rozhepodobny and mastitopodobny crayfish.
The Infiltriruyushchy form of cancer possesses very malignant current. The tumor grows quickly, extending on all gland, has no clear boundary. The tumor consistence pasty, outlines its indistinct, a tumor infiltrirut ferruterous fabric, and also cellulose, skin, a fascia and a muscle. Regional lymph nodes early are surprised metastasises and are defined in the form of the dense, sharply increased nodes often soldered among themselves.
Cancer of a lymphatic form quickly grows and extends on lymphatic ways. Clinically it is shown or existence of the big tumor consisting of the separate dense, soldered among themselves nodes, or of the small drain center and absorbent vessels located on the course reinforced chetkoobrazny tyazhy. The mammary gland is wrinkled, tightened to a tumor, the nipple is pulled in, the areola is deformed, extended towards a tumor. Regional lymph nodes are increased, dense, quite often soldered among themselves.
The ulcer form of cancer differs in slower current in comparison with edematous and infiltriruyushchy forms. The tumor grows in a type of a single node in the beginning, but is soon accustomed to drinking with skin which becomes cyanotic, intense, becomes thinner and begins to ulcerate. Owing to disintegration of a tumor the ulcer quickly increases, reaching the big sizes. The bottom of an ulcer is executed by the breaking-up tumoral masses, easily bleeds; edges are thickened, vyvorochena. By the beginning of an ulceration, as a rule, there are already big dense metastasises.
The cancer en cuirasse is characterized by distribution in the thickness of skin on absorbent vessels and fabric cracks with capture not only skin of a mammary gland, but also the neighboring areas, sometimes with gradual defeat of all circle of a thorax. As a result of such consolidation of covers and a forging of a thorax, as if an armor, comes breath difficulties, sharp hypostasis of an upper extremity, a bilateral pleural exudate. Disease is very heavy, though rather slow, lasting sometimes to 1 ½ - 2 years.
Rozhepodobny cancer differs in emergence of inflammatory erubescence with uneven scalloped edges. Process occupies extensive sites of skin of gland and passes to back skin.
Mastitopodobny cancer proceeds especially sharply. There is it usually at young women. The mammary gland at the same time is increased by 2-3 times, is diffuzno condensed, painful; skin is hyperemic, tense, heating. Process quickly develops, being followed by a feverish state and the general weakness.
Development and courses of a breast cancer happens unevenly: phases of rapid, active growth of a tumor are replaced by the periods of stabilization, a zatikhaniye or even regression of a tumor. At young age the course of cancer is accelerated. Especially bystry development of cancer process is observed during pregnancy and a lactation. The accelerating impact is exerted by use of massage, thermal procedures, ultra-violet radiation, and sometimes a wrong section and a section of a tumor.
Diagnosis of a breast cancer consists of the analysis of the anamnestic data, survey of the patient, a palpation and additional methods of a research specifying the diagnosis. The major stage in diagnosis is examination of a mammary gland which is conducted in 10-12 days after the termination of periods. The patient is examined in her various provisions: standing having bent, having put hands on the head, lying on spin, on one side. At a postural change of the patient the attention of the doctor has to be drawn to a shape of mammary glands, their asymmetry, contours, change of a configuration, hems, deformation, retraction of skin, its puffiness, rugosity that can indicate a breast cancer.
Valuable symptom restriction of a smeshchayemost of a tumor in relation to skin and underlying fabrics is considered. Mobility is checked in the cross and longitudinal direction. Rather seldom the breast cancer is followed by serous and bloody allocations from a nipple. The symptom of release of blood from a nipple induces to specification of the diagnosis – to use of contrast mammography and the cytologic research separated glands.
Regional metastasises are considered as one of the most important symptoms of a breast cancer. At some patients the increased regional lymph nodes are the first symptoms of deeply located cancer tumor. The lymph nodes affected with metastasises are dense to the touch, a rounded or oval shape, are insensitive, mobile in the beginning, and then grow together among themselves and surrounding fabrics, become motionless and painful.
Cancer therapy of a mammary gland:
Now use a complex method of cancer therapy of a mammary gland: operational, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and the drug treatment influencing compensatory adaptations of an organism. Options of a combination of these means are various, their use depends on specific features of the patient, the clinical course of a disease, age, a condition of a hormonal profile and reactivity of an organism. Sometimes treatment is begun with use of an operative measure with the subsequent medical therapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy. In other cases at first apply radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and then undertake an operative measure. Rather seldom use any one method of treatment. Whenever possible in each separate case treatment planning with participation of the oncologist, radiotherapist, endocrinologist and pathomorphologist has to be drawn up. Treatment has to be carried out in the medical institutions having opportunities of performing complex therapy.