DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Nephrology Dismetabolichesky nephropathy

Dismetabolichesky nephropathy


The Dismetabolichesky nephropathy is a disease of kidneys which cornerstone disbolism is.
Carry an oxalic nephropathy (disturbance of exchange of oxalic acid) to the most frequent types of a dismetabolichesky nephropathy.

Symptoms of the Dismetabolichesky nephropathy:

Effects of disturbance of exchange of oxalic acid - its linkng with calcium and formation of insoluble salts. These salts stick together in crystals. Allocation of a large number of crystals has the damaging effect on uric ways.

Other frequent option of a dismetabolichesky nephropathy is the uratny nephropathy at which accumulation and excess removal through kidneys of uric acid and its salts - urates is noted. The Uratny nephropathy is the reason of an urolithiasis at children.

Accumulation of uric acid is promoted by also improper feeding (the use of a large number of chocolate, red caviar, the concentrated juice from tetra paks, etc.)

The cystinuria - the hereditary disease caused by cystine exchange disturbance also belongs to a dismetabolichesky nephropathy. The cystinuria is genetically caused disease.

At excess release of phosphates the fosfaturiya develops. Excess accumulation of phosphates meets at diseases of a nervous system, calcium exchange disturbance.

Probable signs of a dismetabolichesky nephropathy at children:
- abdominal pain;
- thirst, perspiration;
- heartaches;
- frustration of an urination, enuresis;
- tendency to locks;
- headache;
- appetite disturbance;
- hypostases century in the mornings;
- xeroderma;

Reasons of the Dismetabolichesky nephropathy:

Reasons of an oxalic nephropathy:
- inherited disorders of exchange of oxalic acid;
- disturbance of synthesis of oxalates;
- disturbance of stability of cellular membranes of renal fabric;
- deficit of a pyridoxine (B6 vitamin);
- decrease in removal with urine of citrates;
- ratio distortion calcium/magnesium in urine.

Treatment of the Dismetabolichesky nephropathy:

Treatment of a dismetabolichesky nephropathy is based on observance of a diet. The diet at an oxalic nephropathy is preferential, cabbage and potato. Strong broths, an offal, a sorrel, a rhubarb, spinach, parsley, beet, acid berries and fruit, cocoa, chocolate are excluded.

At an uratny nephropathy diet preferential milk and vegetable. It is recommended it is carried out fasting days: fruit, potato, sour-milk. It is desirable to exclude from food mushrooms, fried meat and a bird, canned and fish meat, marinades, smoked products, an offal, sprats, pastes. Plentiful drink of mineral waters is useful (without gas).

At a cystinuria specialists advise to include in food milk, carrots, beet, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, a citrus, cabbage. Cottage cheese, eggs, fish are strictly limited.

At a fosfaturiya are extremely not recommended: cheese, liver, chicken, mushrooms, nuts, cocoa and chocolate, haricot, parsley, egg yolk, herring, red caviar. It is possible to eat milk, flour products, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oats, corn, meat and fish, vegetable fats.

At a dismetabolichesky nephropathy (except phosphatic) it is useful to drink a lot of liquid: mineral waters, broths of medicative herbs (cowberry leaf, clover, ninety-knot, wild strawberry, horsetail field, oats, etc.).

One of conditions of successful treatment - the mode of a forced urination (it is necessary to urinate each 1,5-2 hours, there is a wish or not).

For prevention of formation of crystals of oxalates are appointed - vitamins of group B, A, E.

Among pharmaceutical drugs of a plant origin it is possible to recommend канефрон, cystenal, cistone, Phytolysinum, ксидифон.

It is possible to apply to treatment of a dismetabolichesky nephropathy with success officinal herbs and collecting from them. At an oxalic nephropathy herbs are recommended: ninety-knot, fennel, wild strawberry, horsetail field, gold birch, peppermint, wheat grass, corn stigmas. At an uratny nephropathy it is possible to apply a leaf of a birch, fennel, a wild strawberry, cowberry, parsley, a horsetail field. At a fosfaturiya a madder tinctorial, cowberry, parsley, a St. John's Wort, a rue, a ptarmigan-berry, a burdock, an acorus are recommended. Broth or infusion of officinal herbs accept before food 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Each 10-14 days change players of collecting.

Example of phytocollecting at a phosphatic nephropathy:
- Madder root 4 tablespoons
- Leaf of a birch 3 tablespoons
- Horsetail grass field 3 tablespoons
- Juniper fruits 1 tablespoon
- Hips of 5 tablespoons
- Fennel fruits 2 tablespoons
- Ninety-knot grass 2 tablespoons

To fill in one tablespoon of the crushed collecting with a glass of boiled water, to boil on small fire of 25-30 minutes, to insist before cooling, to filter. To accept on 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

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