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Infections of urinogenital system


The Infection of Uric System (IUS) is an infectious inflammatory process in a kidney, cups, a pelvis, ureters, a bladder or an urethra. On frequency she takes the second place after respiratory diseases. Growth of pathology of uric system is over the last 10 years noted twice. In structure of renal pathology of IMS makes about 76%. Especially growth of number of diseases of uric system at teenagers (2,81 times) guards. IMS – an eurysynusic disease at children's age (about 18 cases on 1 000 children's population).

Мочеполовая система человека

Urinogenital system of the person

Reasons of infections of urinogenital system:

Girls are ill much more often than boys that is connected with a structure of urinogenital system, endocrine features of a female body. Inflammatory diseases of uric system (pyelonephritis, infections of urinary tract) are the most often found nephrological pathology at children. Parents need to represent that in the presence at relatives of diseases of kidneys the probability of their manifestation in posterity increases. Short and wide urinary tract, rich blood supply of bodies of uric system at children of early age contribute to implementation of inflammatory diseases of kidneys. Diseases of uric system can be provoked by acute viral and intestinal infections.

Symptoms of infections of mochepoovy system:

The most serious among other inflammatory diseases of uric system is pyelonephritis – an inflammation of cups, a pelvis, the most renal fabric. At the same time symptoms of intoxication are brightly expressed: high temperature of a body, slackness, small appetite, is possible vomiting. The child can complain of abdominal pains or a waist, the urination is often broken. However the course of pyelonephritis is not always followed by all listed signs. So, periodic rise in body temperature without the visible reasons can sometimes appear the only external display of pyelonephritis. Sometimes pyelonephritis is shown only by pathological changes in analyses of urine. Doctors call such current hidden, or latent.
Cystitis is an inflammation of a bladder. At this disease the general condition of the child suffers to a lesser extent, than at pyelonephritis. Body temperature can be normal or is insignificant raise. The pains in the lower part of a stomach connected with an urination are characteristic. At the end of an urination even emergence of drops of blood is possible. As a rule, the inflammation of a bladder is followed by the speeded-up urinations, frequent, sometimes false desires on an urination. There can be an urine incontience – the child "does not get down from a pot". At repeated exacerbations of cystitis of display of a disease become less expressed.
The infection of uric system can sharply proceed or have a chronic current.
Chronic pyelonephritis or cystitis often develop against the background of inborn malformations of kidneys and uric ways, an exchange nephropathy or neurogenic dysfunction of a bladder. The pathological course of pregnancy, a disease of mother during pregnancy, existence of professional vrednost or addictions at parents, adverse effects, complications in labor, the burdened heredity, artificial feeding, anemia, rickets, an inflammation of external genitals at children, existence at them the chronic centers of an infection (caries, a chronic adenoiditis, tonsillitis), frequent catarrhal, infectious diseases, locks, an intestinal dysbiosis, a helminthic invasion – an enterobiosis and a slow-moving way of life are the contributing factors for development of a chronic inflammation.
If it is available all symptoms of an infection of uric ways, it is necessary to address the nephrologist or the urologist. However if it is not possible to make it at once, then before obtaining recommendations of the specialist it is possible to begin treatment already. The child needs the house mode, a warm pastel and plentiful drink. As drink it is possible to use cranberry or cowberry drink, alkalescent mineral waters (Slavic, smirnovsky), juice, compotes, rather weak tea. Therapy of patients with an infection of uric system includes a number of important points. At pyelonephritis the bed rest is necessary for children in the period of fever. Acute, smoked, spicy and strongly salty dishes, reasonablly plentiful drink are excluded. The diet has to be preferential milk and vegetable, with an exception of the products containing a lot of salt. It is necessary to wash away the child not less than 2 times a day. The doctor has to appoint drug treatment.
Pyelonephritis at children is followed by fever more often. Patients of advanced age complain of back pains. At patients of the first years of life it is necessary to pay attention to high temperature in the absence of symptoms of a viral infection, an abdominal pain, concern. To relatives of children of early age, the patients with an infection of uric system, it is necessary to know that at little patients pyelonephritis generally arises against the background of congenital anomalies of development of bodies of uric system. Frequent and the urodynia is characteristic of cystitis. Emergence of muddy, or red urine is the indication for urgent consultation of the nephrologist. The diagnosis of an infection of uric system is confirmed by data of a laboratory research. If the doctor does not find instructions on inflammatory process in usual clinical analyses, he appoints other, more sensitive blood analyses and urine. So, to the child Nechiporenko's test – determination of content of leukocytes and erythrocytes in one milliliter of urine can be appointed. This test allows to reveal with high degree of reliability the proceeding inflammation of uric system is hidden. Urine for Nechiporenko's test is collected from an average stream in a pure jar, at any time, previously having washed up external genitals a water stream.
Often there is a need to define presence at urine of microorganisms – activators of an inflammation of uric system and to pick up the most effective antibacterial means for treatment. For this purpose do crops of urine on identification of a microbe and definition of sensuality of bacteria to antibiotics. Naturally, it is better to make such analysis prior to antibacterial treatment. Urine on crops is collected in special sterile ware. It is desirable at once, to send the taken urine within two hours to bacteriological laboratory, and before to store urine in the refrigerator.
Important point in diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of kidneys at children is the correct collecting urine. On the eve of delivery of the analysis it is necessary to wash the child in a bathtub (in the absence of contraindications), it is necessary to wash away the kid with soap in the morning. Urine gathers in pure capacity. At purpose of the analysis of urine across Nechiporenko the average stream of urine against the background of a continuous urination is given. At girls it is recommended to collect all analyses of urine only from an average stream. When collecting urine in a sterile test tube (crops on microorganisms) train the child also, collect urine from an average stream, uncovering a test tube only at the time of collecting the analysis. The test tube needs to be closed at once a cover and to carry in laboratory.
Considering the high frequency of detection of congenital anomalies of development of bodies of uric system, it is necessary to know that normalization of analyses of urine against the background of therapy is not criterion of recovery of the child. Carrying out a number of researches is shown: ultrasonic scanning of bodies of uric system (it is only the first and approximate stage of inspection), radiological diagnosis (only with its help it is possible to make the exact diagnosis). Beam loading at the same time is minimum.

Treatment of infections of urinogenital system:

It should be noted that treatment of pyelonephritis at children is long and stage process (courses of antibiotics before full normalization of analyses of urine, purpose of the himiopreparat sanifying urine, treatment by the vitamins, drugs stimulating immune system, a travolecheniye). Unauthorized interruption by parents of the program of the therapy provided by the doctor will lead to transition of acute process to chronic. At children, especially early age, establishment of the diagnosis of pyelonephritis does not mean that the child forever will remain chronically sick. At timely diagnosis and correctly chosen modern tactics of treatment the probability of an absolute recovery of the patient is very high.
Whether there are ways of prevention of pyelonephritis? To some extent hygienic skills, the mode of "a forced urination" at children who urinate seldom, timely consultation of girls with vulvita at the gynecologist, testing of urine at medical examination, sanitation of the centers of persistent infection, restriction of receipt of the products rich with extractive substances help to prevent a disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Infections of urinogenital system:

  • Препарат Цефтриаксон.


    Antibiotic of group of cephalosporins.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm LEKKO Russia


  • Препарат Уролесан капли.

    Drop Urolesanum

    The means applied in urology.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine


  • Препарат Фурадонин Авексима.

    Furadonin Aveksima

    Antimicrobic means, nitrofuran.

    JSC Aveksima Russia

  • Препарат Амоксил-К 625.

    Amoksil-K 62

    Antibacterial agents for system use.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Амоксиклав® 2Х.

    Амоксиклав® 2X

    The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).

    Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Левофлоксацин 250 мг; 500 мг №10.

    Levofloxacin of 250 mg; 500 mg No.

    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Тетрациклин.


    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina


  • Препарат Цефотаксим.


    Antibiotic of group of cephalosporins.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm LEKKO Russia

  • Препарат Амоксиклав®.


    The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).

    Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Сиспрес®.


    Antibacterial agents of group of hinolon. Ftorkhinolona.

    JSC Nobel Almatinskaya Pharmatsevticheskaya Fabrika Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Препарат Флемоксин Солютаб®.

    Flemoksin Solyutab®

    The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).

    Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. (Astellas of Pharm Yurop B. V.) Netherlands

  • Препарат Амоксициллин капсулы 0,5г №20.

    No. capsule 0,5g amoxicillin

    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Гатифлоксацин.


    Antibacterial agents for system use. Ftorkhnolona.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Сумалек.


    Antibacterial agents for system use. Macroleads. Azithromycin.

    LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Лефлокс.


    Antimicrobic means, фторхинолон.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Амоклав-1000.



    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Флуконазол.


    Antifungal means.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Ко-тримоксазол.


    Antimicrobic, antiviral, antiparasitics

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Левозин.


    Antimicrobic means, фторхинолон.

    JSC Nobel Almatinskaya Pharmatsevticheskaya Fabrika Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Препарат Азитромицин.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus

  • Сайт детского здоровья