DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Oncology Hypernephroma


see also:


Kidney hypernephroma  — the malignant tumor proceeding from an epithelium of a bast layer of a kidney.
Occurs among new growths of kidneys most often (75 — 85%). It is usually observed at the age of 40 — 60 years, is more often at men; at children the hypernephroma of a kidney happens extremely seldom.

Hypernephroma symptoms:

The kidney hypernephroma  can proceed without visible symptoms in the beginning; the classical triad — a hamaturia, pain, the probed tumor — meets seldom. The hamaturia can suddenly come, against the background of the general good shape (an asymptomatic hamaturia). Intensity of a hamaturia is various: from insignificant coloring of urine blood to severe bleeding with existence of worm-shaped clots. The hamaturia can once appear or several days and proceed weeks; repeatedly the hamaturia can appear in several days, month, and sometimes and year. The total asymptomatic hamaturia always has to cause suspicion on a kidney hypernephroma. In certain cases hypernephromas of a kidney only the microhematuria revealed in analyses of urine is observed.
It is possible to probe a kidney hypernephroma not always (approximately in half of cases). Pains in most cases stupid, are more rare acute, like renal colic, are observed not at all patients. Are very characteristic of a hypernephroma of a kidney of pain, following a hamaturia (unlike a nephrolithiasis at which pains precede a hamaturia). Subfebrile "causeless" temperature (temperature increase to 38 °C sharp oznoba is more rare) can be the first and only symptom of a hypernephroma of a kidney. At a blood analysis, except acceleration of ROE (in certain cases to 30 — 50 mm at 1 o'clock), other specific changes are not found. In atipichesk the proceeding cases of a hypernephroma of a kidney only temperature increase, acceleration of ROE, weight loss, deterioration in the general state can be observed.
The kidney hypernephroma mainly on venous ways (more often metastasises are found in lungs, regional  lymph nodes, bones, a liver, a brain) metastasizes, is more rare on lymphatic.

Hypernephroma reasons:

The factors contributing to developing of malignant tumors of kidneys at adults are studied insufficiently and authentically are not established. It is supposed that emergence of atypical cells is promoted by chemical environmental pollution, smoking, use of hormonal drugs and tsitostatik, radiation, a carriage of virus, nitrosamines and aromatic amines. At Hippelya-Lindau's disease and a polycystic disease of kidneys high cancer cases of a kidney are noted. Several inherited forms of pochechnokletochny adenocarcinomas are had.

Treatment of the Hypernephroma:

The only method of treatment — a nephrectomy. In the presence of widespread metastasises after a nephrectomy appoint antineoplastic drugs (for example, Thiophosphamidum  , etc.).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hypernephroma:

  • Препарат Тиреоидеа композитум.

    Tireoidea compositum

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

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