Uterus choriocarcinoma
The choriocarcinoma (horionepitelioma) — the malignant tumor of a uterus arising in 50% of cases from a vesical drift, less often it develops after the delivery and abortions. Develops from elements of a trofoblasg. The choriocarcinoma in the form of a knotty tumor of crimson color can be located under a mucous membrane, in the thickness of a muscular layer (interstitsial-but), gradually sprouting all layers of a uterus, easily breaks up, often being followed профузнымн by bleedings. Horionepitelioma in the form of friable nodes of dark blue color often metastasizes in a vagina, is more rare — in ovaries and uterine tubes.
Uterus Choriocarcinoma symptoms:
The clinic of a choriocarcinoma is characterized acyclic long, sometimes by profuse uterine bleedings (which are absent at an intramuscular arrangement of nodes), belyam of serous and bloody character, is frequent with a putrefactive smell, insignificant pains in lower parts of a stomach. Long bleedings can lead to secondary anemia, and the joined infection — to inflammatory process of female generative organs. Of a horyaokartsinoma it is characteristic early a metastasis and a rovaniye in the hematogenous way to a vagina, a liver, a brain, is more often in lungs. In the latter case the disease is followed by cough, a phlegm with blood. The disease quickly progresses and can lead to a lethal outcome
Diagnosis, the Diagnosis is based on careful studying of the anamnesis (the postponed vesical drift, childbirth, abortions). Are of great importance definition of a caption of HG in urine, a separate diagnostic scraping (in most cases tumor elements histologically are defined). The tekalyuteinovy cysts of ovaries arising at a hornokartsnioma in 40 — 50% of cases have a certain diagnostic value as are capable to undergo involution in dynamics of a disease.
Uterus Choriocarcinoma reasons:
The choriocarcinoma of a uterus develops from a vesical drift or after the delivery or abortions.
Treatment of the Choriocarcinoma of a uterus:
Therapy can be conservative (chemotherapy) and surgical. The chemotherapy is carried out by a methotrexate, merkaptopurnny, rubomitsi-number. As criterion of efficiency of treatment serves systematic definition of indicators of the HG level in urine.
Surgical intervention is shown at profuse uterine bleedings, tendency of a tumor to germination and threat of perforation of a uterus, the big sizes of a tumor (the uterus is increased over 10 weeks duration of gestation), lack of effect of chemotherapy. Make a hysterectomy, at young women if it is possible, without appendages.
After conservative treatment approach of pregnancy and normal childbirth are possible.
Prevention of a choriocarcinoma consists in timely and correct treatment of a vesical drift. After its treatment the patient has to be under dispensary observation. As the horiokartsnnoma can develop also after normal pregnancy, for prevention of a tumor careful survey of the been born afterbirth (establishment of its integrity), the correct technology of production of abortion are necessary.