DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gastroenterology Anusitis (Анит)

Anusitis (Анит)


Inflammation of a zone of the muscles closing an anus - sphincters.

Anusitis symptoms (Anita):

Sphincteric proctitis or annite – an inflammatory disease of skin and mucous membrane of a proctal ring, beginning directly from an entrance to a rectum and  on depth of 2-4 cm, to morganiyevy gates.
Annite can be:
primary, that is arising independently and separately;
secondary, developing in combination with hemorrhoids, a crack, a papillitis, a cryptitis and other diseases of a rectum.
Depending on prescription of process and features of its current the sphincteric proctitis is divided on:

Anusitis reasons (Anita):

The inflammation of area of sphincters can be caused as the nonspecific flora living normal in a rectum and the specific microorganisms more often indulging sexually, for example gonokokky.
Anita the paraproctitis, fistulas, new growths of area of sphincters and helminthoses can become the reason.

Treatment of the Anusitis (Anita):

- a sparing diet with an exception of alcohol, acute, fat, fried;
- the correct hygienic leaving after defecation – washing warm (not more hotly!) water, drying of skin (blotting, but not grinding);
- candles – Proktoglivenol, Posterizan forte, Ultraprokt, Relif Advans, salicylic acid;

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