
Producer: SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A14AA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 10 mg of chlordihydromethyltestosterone.
Excipients: magnesium stearate, Kollidon CL (кросповидон), FD&C Yellow nr dye. 5, Ludipresso (lactose, povidone, кросповидон).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Turinabolum (4-хлор-1-дигидро-17-альфа-метилтестостерон) to belong to oral steroids has preferential anabolic effect in combination with rather weak androgenic action. So, androgenic action of Turanabol makes 6%, and anabolic 53%. Comparing to methandrostenolone, its androgenic effect makes 45%, and anabolic 90%. Turanabol, as well as other steroid androgens and anabolic steroids, gets through a cellular membrane and form a complex which gets into a kernel where interacts with nuclear receptors. The educated complex contacts DNA and as the factor of a transcription defines synthesis of RNA and specific proteins.
Turanabol renders preferential anabolic effect which is more shown at the level of skeletal muscles and bones, and also fabrics and bodies with intensive division (marrow, mucous, etc.). Drug causes first of all increase in muscle bulk and a weight gain (the effect is less expressed than at testosterone, but which can amplify at reception with other anabolic steroids). At the level of bones Turanabol promotes calcium adjournment, perhaps thanks to strengthening of formation of a proteinaceous matrix and/or decrease in reactivity of a bone tissue on parathormone. A significant role in implementation of anabolic action belongs to metabolic effects: positive nitrogenous balance (nitrogen delay); increase in protein synthesis; reduction of disintegration of amino acids; delay of potassium and phosphates. Drug stimulates a hemogenesis, especially an erythrogenesis (increases erythropoetin synthesis), and also strengthens a leukopoiesis and promotes formation of thrombocytes.
Pharmacokinetics. Turanabol actually represents derivative methandrostenolone in which fourth provision implemented chlorine atom (4-хлор-1-дигидро-17-альфа-метилтестостерон). Such modernization kept its efficiency at intake, is not inactivated at primary passing through a liver, and in the course of metabolism is not exposed to aromatization and does not turn into estrogen.
Turanabol quickly enough is exposed to metabolism, and metabolites are quickly enough brought out of an organism (it is not found in urine in 6-8 days after the end of reception).
Indications to use:
Turanabol as drug with preymushchestvenno anabolic action can be used as supportive application at states caused by disturbance of protein metabolism with negative nitrogenous balance (insufficient receipt, the increased requirements or losses): at elderly with subnutrition or exhaustion; at an adynamy, a cachexia of various origin, at extensive burns; after infections, injuries and surgical interventions; at osteoporosis; at prolonged use of glucocorticoids; at hypo - and aplastic anemias; at chronic hemolitic anemias; at anemias at a chronic renal failure; at anemias, caused by tumoral process; at leukemias and lymphoma; at idiopathic thrombocytopenia; at muscular atrophies at patients with AIDS, in pediatric (children's) practice at a growth inhibition, anorexia (lack of appetite), decline of food etc.
Route of administration and doses:
Therapy by anabolic steroids is auxiliary and does not replace the main treatment. Duration Turanabol's use depends on the answer of the patient and on extent of manifestation of side effects.
Adults. The response to treatment by anabolic steroids varies. Dosages fluctuate from 20 to 50 mg a day, efficiency of use directly depends on dosage level. Duration of a course of treatment is considered adequate within 2-6 weeks.
Features of use:
At purpose of anabolic steroids patients have to be informed on possible side effects with the immediate address to the doctor at their emergence. At emergence of the first signs of virilescence in women (voice coarsening, a hirsutism, eels, a clitoromegaly), reception should be stopped not to allow irreversibility of changes.
Drug can cause suppression of plasma factors of coagulation of II, V, VII, X that demands careful observation, including at combined use with indirect anticoagulants.
In the course of treatment it is necessary to monitorizirovat liver parameters (transaminases, an alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin) and a lipidic range (cholesterol and lipoproteids of low density). At elderly people control of a prostate because of possible development of a hypertrophy and a carcinoma is necessary.
With care apply at children because of premature closing of epiphyseal regions of growth, effect which can will remain within 6 months after drug withdrawal. Proceeding from these reasons it is recommended to consult with specialists in an occasion of rationality of use of drug at children with radiological control of maturing of a bone tissue.
At patients, the using high doses of anabolic steroids need to be defined periodically hemoglobin and a hematocrit because of a possible polycythemia.
Side effects:
Disturbances from a liver: a holestaticheskiya jaundice, a necrosis of hepatocytes with a liver failure, liver cancer. From biochemical parameters increase in level of bilirubin, an alkaline phosphatase and transaminases is defined. Cholestatic jaundice can develop in 6 months and more (is toxic genesis) and is shown stazy in bilious capillaries with a hyperbilirubinemia and increase in activity of an alkaline phosphatase. At use within several years can increase liver cancer frequencies.
Endocrine disturbances: Turanabol is more rare than can cause other drugs in men: oppression of a spermatogenesis and impotence (for the second time to decrease in secretion of gonadotrophins and level of testosterone with an atrophy of yaichok and an oligospermatism); a prostatauxe (it is preferential at elderly people); epididymite; priapism. At boys premature puberty, frequent erections, risk of suspension of growth can be noted.
Drug can seldom cause in women: decrease in secretion of gonadotrophins; virilescence phenomena (eels, hirsutism, voice coarsening, increase in a libido, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, clitoris hypertrophy, development of muscles). At pregnant women virilescence of a female fruit can develop. Frequency of these side effects at Turanabol low.
Neurologic disturbances: excitement, confusion, sleeplessness, depressions.
Metabolic disturbances: decrease in tolerance to glucose; increase in level of lipoproteids of the low density (LPNP); creatinine removal acceleration; increase in maintenance of a kreatinfosfokinaza; hypostases are rather seldom noted because of an insignificant delay of sodium and water; delay of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. At patients with a long bed rest the hypercalcemia can develop.
Others: during puberty epiphyseal zones of bones with a growth inhibition can prematurely be closed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Glucocorticoids, mineralokortikoida, corticotropin, natriysoderzhashchy drugs and the food rich with sodium exponentiate a liquid delay in an organism, increase risk of development of hypostases, increase expressiveness of acne rashes.
Anabolic steroids at combined use with indirect anticoagulants increase their concentration and effect that demands reduction of doses. Strict monitoring is necessary for the solution of a question of expediency of continuation of treatment by anabolic steroids or their cancellation. It is necessary to monitorizirovat a prothrombin time.
Turanabol can change effect of peroral antidiabetic means (perhaps because of decrease in metabolism can increase risk of gipoglikemiya, and because of decrease in tolerance to glucose can increase glycemia level).
Anabolic steroids can reduce the content of globulin, the connecting thyroxine, with decrease in level of the general T4 and increase in capture of T3 and T4, without change of free fraction of thyroid hormones. Ability of binding of a radioiodine is kept.
Hypersensitivity to drug, cancer and adenoma of a prostate, a breast cancer at men, a carcinoma of a mammary gland at women with a hypercalcemia, ovarian cancer, an ischemic heart disease, the expressed atherosclerosis, nephrite, a nephrotic syndrome, a liver and renal failure, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, the period before puberty.
Cases of overdose are noted.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature of 15-25 °C, in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets of 10 mg. On 20 tablets in the blister. On 3 blisters with the application instruction in a cardboard box. On 5, 15, 25, 50, 100, 500 tablets in packages. On 5, 15, 25, 50, 100 tablets in bottles.