Aqua Maris of Baby

Producer: Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. (JSC Yadran) Croatia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AX10
Pharm group: Nasal drugs
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Spray nasal.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 31,82 ml of natural sea water in 100 ml of solution.
Excipients: the water purified. Does not contain chemical additives and preservatives.
Aqua Maris of Baby – drug for treatment of cold at the child, is made of the natural sea water extracted from the reserved zone of the Adriatic Sea noted by UNESCO fund the Blue flag. Sea water undergoes sterilization and ultrafiltration, decrease in concentration of the salts which are contained in it to necessary level.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Isotonic sea water promotes maintenance of a normal physiological condition of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity, fluidifying of slime and normalization of its development in scyphoid cells of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity.
After use of the isotonic sea water which is contained in the product Aqua Maris the therapeutic effectiveness of the HP applied on a mucous membrane of a nose raises and duration of respiratory diseases is reduced. The isotonic sea water which is contained in a product for washing and irrigation of a nasal cavity Aqua Maris reduces risk of spread of an infection to bosoms of a nose and a cavity of an ear (antritis, a frontal sinusitis, otitis).
Reduces risk of local complications and accelerates processes of healing after surgical interventions (removal of adenoides, polyps, the septoplasty, etc.) on a nasal cavity.
Removes irritation mucous a nose at persons whose mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts constantly is exposed to harmful effects (smokers, drivers of motor transport, people living and working in rooms with an artificial atmosphere and/or central heating, working in hot and dusty workshops, and also being in regions with severe climatic conditions).
Indications to use:
Prevention and complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of a nasal cavity, okolonosovy bosoms and nasopharynx:
- acute and chronic rhinitises;
- acute and chronic sinusitis;
- acute and chronic adenoidites;
- allergic rhinitises;
- atrophic rhinitises;
- complex treatment of a SARS and flu;
- prevention of a SARS and flu in the period of epidemic;
- care of a nasal cavity:
- after surgical interventions;
- bacterial purification, viruses, dust, pollen, smoke;
- preparation mucous to use of medicines;
- long therapy by topical corticosteroids;
- daily hygiene of a nasal cavity and nasopharynx.
Route of administration and doses:
Intranazalno. In the medical purposes carry out washing of each nasal course of 4-6 times a day, daily. For the purpose of prevention - 2-4 times a day. With the hygienic purpose - 1-2 times a day (in need of a thicket). Duration of use of the product Aqua Maris is not limited.
For children from 1 year to 2 years. Order of holding procedure of washing of a nasal cavity.
1. Washing of a nose at the child of early age is carried out in a prone position.
2. To turn the child's head on one side.
3. To insert a cylinder tip into the nasal course which is from above.
4. Within several seconds to wash out a nasal cavity.
5. To put the child and to help it to blow the nose.
6. If necessary to repeat the procedure.
7. To carry out the procedure with other nasal course.
For children 2 years are more senior:
1. Washing of a nose at the child of early age is carried out in a prone position.
2. To turn the child's head on one side.
3. To insert a cylinder tip into the nasal course which is from above.
4. Within several seconds to wash out a nasal cavity.
5. To blow the nose. If necessary to repeat the procedure.
6. To carry out the procedure with other nasal course.
For children of 6 years and the adult:
1. To reach a comfortable position before a sink and to bend forward.
2. To incline the head on one side.
3. To insert a cylinder tip into the nasal course which is from above.
4. Within several seconds to wash out a nasal cavity.
5. To blow the nose. If necessary to repeat the procedure.
6. To carry out the procedure with other nasal course.
Features of use:
Consultation of the doctor is necessary if the product is applied after operation.
Pregnancy and feeding by a breast are not a contraindication for use.
Side effects:
At use according to the instruction side effects are not revealed.
Storage conditions:
To store at the room temperature in the place, unavailable to children. The container is under pressure: to protect from a sunlight and not to subject to influence of temperature above 50 °C . Not to puncture and not to burn even after use. Period of validity 3 years. Not to use after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The cylinder of 50 ml for children is more senior than 1 year. Drug is in a metal cylinder under pressure. The product is packed into a cardboard box together with the instruction.