Probably, much of you had to test the unpleasant state known in medicine under the name "dryness of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity". It is expressed in a nose congestion with alternation of the parties of a congestion.
Symptoms of the Xeromycteria:
The itch, burning and emergence of crusts is noted, nasal bleedings and a headache are not rare. Dryness of a mucous membrane causes discomfort in a nasal cavity, complicates nasal breath and prevents to sleep. In addition, the dry mucous membrane of a nasal cavity badly copes with a problem of filtering of the particles which are contained in air which in the course of breath get into lungs.
Reasons of the Xeromycteria:
Dryness of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity can arise for various reasons. The most widespread of them is side effect of some medical supplies, first of all the antihistamines and drugs containing atropine.
The arid climate is other popular reason. In a midland this phenomenon meets, as a rule, in the winter when dry air in the warmed rooms dries up a mucous membrane of nasal passes. The same occurs also in case of dust content of air on a number of productions – cement, chemical, etc.
At last, such state can be also a symptom of the general disease.
Treatment of the Xeromycteria:
* The address to the doctor – at high degree of a xeromycteria when there are cracks and bleedings, and also if dryness not only in a nasal cavity, but also mucous a mouth and eyes is noted.
* Washing of a nasal cavity warm physical solution or saline solutions (drops and sprays) of the Ocean type. Concentration of salt in these solutions approximately same, as well as in liquids of a human body (about 0,9%), and in them there are no medicinal substances therefore they can be applied without restriction (usually, 3-4 times a day).
* Introduction to a nasal cavity of indifferent oils – olive, peach, sesame, etc.
* Liquid reception (waters, juice, green tea, etc.) in enough that allows to saturate better with fabric moisture from within.
* Maintenance of necessary air humidity indoors.
* See the medicine taken by you. If you accept antihistaminic drugs or drugs with atropine, take an interest at the doctor whether it is necessary to reduce their doses or completely to stop reception.
* It is not recommended to grease a nasal cavity with vaseline as it can cause pneumonia if often gets into lungs together with the inhaled air.