Сиалор® Protargol

Producer: CJSC PFK Obnovleniye Rossiya
Release form: Set for solution preparation.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 200 mg of a proteinat of silver (protargol).
Excipients: polyvinyl-N-пирролидон.
Solvent: water for injections.
Sialor - hygienic means for topical administration.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The main component which is a part of "Sialor®\" - silver протеинат, possesses the knitting action with the expressed antiseptic and protective effect.
Antibacterial effect of silver of a proteinat is observed in relation to Staphylococcus spp. Streptococcus spp, Moraxella spp., and also fungal flora. Silver протеинат prevents penetration of microorganisms, forming a protective proteinaceous film.
Indications to use:
- adenoides, acute, allergic, vasculomotor rhinitis, chronic diseases of a nasal cavity, a nasopharynx, adnexal bosoms of a nose, including followed by dryness of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity;
- prevention of infections of a nasal cavity during the autumn and winter period, at change of climatic conditions (the room with air conditioning and/or central heating), availability of the contaminated atmospheric air (smokers, drivers of vehicles, hot and dusty workshops);
- washing of wounds of a nasal cavity and adnexal bosoms of a nose before operative measures;
- hygienic procedures of a nasal cavity (including at babies).
Route of administration and doses:
Locally. For preparation of 2% of solution to dissolve 1 tablet (200 mg) in 10 ml of the enclosed solvent. Before use of 2% of solution to wash out and clear a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity. To put 1-3 drops 3 times a day within 5-7 days.
Way of preparation of solution
1. To pour in solvent in a bottle.
2. To add to a ringlet a tablet Sialor.
3. To shake up before full dissolution of a tablet (8-10 minutes).
Features of use:
Before use a small amount of means to apply on an elbow bend for identification of individual intolerance.
At emergence of symptoms of individual intolerance of components of means (irritation, burning, an itch of skin, mucous membranes) to wash out a large amount of water within 15 min., if necessary to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Simultaneous use of the means containing alkaloid salts and the organic bases (adrenaline) is not recommended.
- individual intolerance of separate components;
- pregnancy;
- lactation period.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. To make preparation of solution just before use. A period of validity - 2 years. Period of storage of ready solution of 30 days. Does not contain preservatives. After opening of the blister to use a tablet within an hour. For solution preparation Sialor to use only the solvent which is a part of a set.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Set for preparation of 2% of solution: a tablet for solution preparation, solvent, a bottle with a cover pipette or a nozzle sprayer, the application instruction.