
Producer: CJSC Evalar Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AX10
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Spray nasal.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 6,5 mg of sodium of chloride.
Excipients: benzalkoniya chloride, benzyl alcohol, hydrophosphate sodium dodecahydrate (sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water), dihydrophosphate sodium dihydrate (sodium phosphate monosubstituted 2-water), water.
Pharmacological properties:
• recovers passability of the nasal courses, facilitates nasal breath due to moistening of a mucous membrane of a nose and fluidifying of slime;
• washes away and deletes allergens and disease-producing microbes from a mucous membrane of a nose;
• promotes reduction of local inflammatory process and removal of dry crusts in a nose;
• supports a normal physiological condition of a mucous membrane of a nose.
Indications to use:
With the medical purpose:
• in complex therapy of acute and chronic rhinitises, including allergic.
For prevention:
• infectious diseases of a nose during the autumn and winter period;
• at sinusitis, including antritis;
• the raised xeromycteria;
• after operations on a nasal cavity.
For hygiene:
• for care of a mucous membrane of a nose of adults and children;
• for soft clarification of a nasal cavity from slime and crusts.
Route of administration and doses:
Intranazalno. To children to apply on one, adults – two sprayings in each nasal course 3-4 times a day. The course of prevention and treatment makes 2-4 weeks (to the discretion of the attending physician).
For a softening and removal of the contaminating accumulations and nasal allocations: Akvamaster inject so much how many the situation demands into each nasal course, eliminating the following excess of liquid by means of cotton wool or a handkerchief. The procedure can be repeated repeatedly until accumulations of the contaminating particles are not successfully softened and removed. For spray in the bottle corked by a nozzle sprayer
1. To remove a protective cap from a nozzle sprayer.
2. To make 1-2 trial sprayings in air.
3. At vertical position of the head to enter a nozzle sprayer into each nasal course and to make spraying by pressing. For the spray in the bottle corked by a cover and supplied with a nozzle sprayer in individual packaging
1. To unscrew a bottle cover with drug and to exempt a bottle mouth from a safety ring.
2. To exempt a nozzle sprayer from individual packaging.
3. To screw a nozzle sprayer on a bottle with drug, to remove a protective cap.
4. To make 1-2 trial sprayings in air.
5. At vertical position of the head to enter a nozzle sprayer into each nasal course and to make spraying by pressing.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and a lactation. There are no data on restriction of use at pregnancy and a lactation.
Akvamaster in the recommended doses does not exert impact on ability to drive the car and to work with cars.
Side effects:
So far it is not established.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established clinically significant interaction of drug Akvamaster with other medicines. Use with other medicines for intranasal introduction is possible. In this case the nasal cavity is irrigated first of all with drug Akvamaster.
Hypersensitivity to drug components.
Cases of overdose are noted.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature from 15 to 30 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to apply after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Spray of nasal, 0,65%. In the bottles from glass corked by nozzles sprayers on 30, 50 ml. Each bottle corked by a nozzle sprayer in a pack from a cardboard. In the bottles from glass corked by the screwed covers on 30, 50 ml. Each bottle together with a nozzle sprayer in individual packaging in a pack from a cardboard.