
Producer: LLC ASTRAFARM Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06DX
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1 capsule contains dry extract of a ginkgo of a biloba (ginkgo biloba L.) (a ratio of a starting material to the received extract 50:1; extragent ethanol of 60%) 40 mg, pollen pellets bee (flower pollen) 60 mg, Rutinum (vitamin P) of 20 mg, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) of 30 mg, niacin (RR vitamin) of 17 mg, thiamin of a hydrochloride (B1 vitamin) of 1 mg, Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) of 1 mg, pyridoxine of a hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) of 1 mg;
Excipients: lactose, monohydrate; magnesium stearate; structure of a cover of the capsule: Elatinum, Ethan D's t иоксид (Е 1 71), indigo carmine (Е 132), quinolinic yellow (Е 104).
Pharmacological properties:
ВАЗАВИТАЛ® – the combined drug of a plant origin which part vitamins are.
Contains extract of leaves of a ginkgo of a bilob. The active operating components of a ginkgo of a bilob are flavonovy glycosides and terpenes – ginkolida and bilobalida, and also the proantotsianidina and organic acids predetermining the increased bioavailability of components of drug and increase specific activity of Vazavitala®. Its ability to oppress processes of free radical oxidation that is an important factor of damage of fabrics at ischemia and a hypoxia is the cornerstone of pharmacological effect of extract of leaves of a ginkgo of a bilob. Drug influences formation of vasoactive mediators and mediators of an inflammation that predetermines its ability to improve blood circulation and to have antiedematous effect. Drug reduces risk of a thrombogenesis, normalizes processes of cellular exchange, increases the content of ATP in a cerebral cortex, positively influences exchange of dopamine and noradrenaline, and also cholinergic transfer. Improves a krovoobespecheniye of fabrics thanks to the regulating influence on a blood stream in arteries, capillaries and veins.
The pollen pellet bee (flower pollen) contains biologically active agents (irreplaceable amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids) necessary for cell regeneration. Flower pollen possesses antisclerous action, reduces amount of cholesterol in blood and brings him out of an organism. Dominating as a part of pollen of routines and meletin improve elasticity of blood capillaries and their permeability. Flavonoids also render moderate antihistaminic, antioxidant and detoksitsiruyushchy actions.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Normalizes permeability of capillaries, promotes increase in protective functions of an organism, prevents formation of blood clots, promotes saturation of fabrics oxygen.
Niacin (RR vitamin). Takes part in reactions of energy balance of an organism.
Thiamin hydrochloride (B1 vitamin). Plays a first-priority role in optimum utilization of carbohydrates which are the main source of energy, regulates function of a peripheral nervous system.
Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin). Takes part in growth processes, influences sight, a condition of skin, its active fosforilirovanny forms take part in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes.
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6 vitamin). It is necessary for digestion of proteins and fats, promotes formation of erythrocytes, regulates a condition of a nervous system.
Rutinum (vitamin P). The vasoprotective, reduces a hyperpermeability of capillaries, strengthens a vascular wall, reduces its hypostasis and an inflammation. Has antiagregantny effect, than improves microcirculation, development of a diabetic retinopathy detains.
Indications to use:
Appoint the adult for prevention and in complex treatment: distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy with disturbances of attention, memory, perception, decrease in mental ability; at an initial stage of Alzheimer's disease; neurosensory disturbances: kokhleovestibulyarny syndrome (sonitus, gipoakuziya, dizziness); diabetic retinopathy; arteriopatiya of the lower extremities (pain when walking, trophic disturbances); Reynaud's syndrome.
Route of administration and doses:
The adult appoint on 1 capsule 3 times a day during food. To wash down. glass of water. The course of treatment is defined by the doctor individually and usually makes – 1-3 months 2 times a year. The beginning of therapeutic effect comes in 7 days of treatment. The most expressed effect is observed in 3 weeks after administration of drug.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Due to the lack of clinical data drug is not recommended to be used during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Ability to influence the speed of reactions at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. During treatment it is necessary to be careful at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Children. There is no sufficient experience concerning use of drug for treatment of children therefore it do not appoint this age category of patients.
Appropriate security measures at use. At patholologically the raised tendency to bleedings (hemorrhagic diathesis), and also in case of simultaneous use of anticoagulants it is necessary to accept drug only after consultation with the doctor. As there are data that the drugs containing extract of a ginkgo of a bilob increase tendency to bleedings, reception of this drug needs to be stopped before surgeries. With care appoint at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in the anamnesis, an urolithiasis, at damage of a liver, to patients with a disease of kidneys in the anamnesis, tendency to a thrombogenesis and bleedings (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, trombotsitopatiya and so forth), allergic diseases. It is not recommended to appoint drug together with other polyvitamins as the overdose of the last in an organism is possible. It is not necessary to exceed the recommended drug dose. Drug contains lactose therefore to patients with the most rare hereditary forms of intolerance of a galactose, deficit of lactase or a sprue of a glyukozo-galactose it is not necessary to apply it.
Side effects:
Such side reactions are occasionally observed: from immune system: allergic reactions, including an acute anaphylaxis, a Quincke's disease, a bronchospasm, a hyperthermia; from a digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, increase in secretion of a gastric juice; from a nervous system: headache, dizzinesses; from skin: erubescence, hypostasis, itch, skin rashes, urticaria. Other: decrease in a blood coagulation, urine discoloration. In isolated cases at use of the drugs containing extract of a ginkgo of a bilob, especially at simultaneous use with anticoagulants (such as фенпрокумон, acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), there are hemorrhages (gastrointestinal, in eyes, in a brain).
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug should not be accepted if the patient a long time applies acetylsalicylic acid, warfarin or thiazide diuretics. At simultaneous use of drug with the medicines inhibiting blood coagulation (such as фенпрокумон, acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the effect of the last can amplify. Because of the increased risk of bleedings it is necessary to avoid a concomitant use of drug with anticoagulants, antiagregant. Hemorrhages can amplify at a concomitant use of drug with quinine. Vitamin C strengthens effect of antimicrobic medicines from group of streptocides.
Hypersensitivity to drug components. A nephrolithiasis, thrombophlebitis, disturbance of exchange of iron or copper, the expressed renal failures, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in an aggravation stage, gout, a hyperuricemia.
Symptoms: strengthening of manifestations of side reactions, an abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, a renal failure, an allergic enanthesis, an itch, a headache, a hyperexcitability, consciousness disturbance is possible. At prolonged use of high doses developing of anorexia, disturbance of activity of liver enzymes, paresthesias, the increased perspiration, arterial hypotension, a hyperuricemia, feeling of heat is possible.
Treatment: it is necessary to cause vomiting. Therapy is symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
To store in original packaging at a temperature not over 25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 capsules in the blister. On 3 blisters in a box from a cardboard.