Vinpocetine таб. 0,005 No. 50

Producer: CJSC Pharmproyekt Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06BX18
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: Vinpocetine.
Chemical: ethyl - (3 alpha, 16 alpha) - эбурнаменин - 14 - carboxylat.
Pharmacological properties:
The Vazodilatiruyushchy means improving cerebral circulation. Causes small decrease in the system ABP, brain vasodilatation, strengthening of a blood-groove and improvement of supply of a brain with oxygen and glucose. Increases resistance of cells of a brain to a hypoxia, facilitating transport of oxygen and substrates of power providing to fabrics (owing to reduction of affinity to it of erythrocytes, strengthening of absorption and metabolism of glucose, its switching to energetically more favorable aerobic direction). Promotes accumulation in tsAMF and ATP fabrics (braking of phosphodiesterase and stimulation of adenylatecyclase), increase in maintenance of catecholamines in brain tissues. Vazodilatiruyushchy action is connected with the direct running-down action on smooth muscles of vessels preferential of a brain, does not cause a phenomenon of "burglarizing", and first of all strengthens blood supply of ischemic area of a brain, without changing at the same time blood supply of intact areas. Improves microcirculation in a brain due to reduction of aggregation of thrombocytes, decrease in viscosity of blood, increase in deformability of erythrocytes.
Pharmacokinetics. At intake it is quickly and completely absorbed in a GIT. Bioavailability - 50-70%. There is 1 h TCmax. Therapeutic concentration in plasma - 10-20 ng/ml. At parenteral administration distribution volume - 5.3 l/kg. T1/2 is 4.74-5 h. Easily gets through gistogematichesky barriers (including GEB).
Indications to use:
Acute and chronic disorder of cerebral circulation (tranzitorny ischemia, the progressing stroke, a complete stroke, a state after a stroke). Neurologic and mental disturbances at patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency (memory disturbance; dizziness; aphasia, apraxia, motive frustration, headache). Encephalopathy (hypertensive, posttraumatic). Vazovegetativny symptomatology in a climacteric. Vascular diseases of eyes (degenerative diseases of a choroid, retina or macula lutea; partial occlusions of arteries, secondary glaucoma). Decrease in auditory acuity of vascular or toxic genesis, senile relative deafness, Menyer's disease, kokhleovestibulyarny neuritis, sonitus, dizziness of a labyrinth origin.
Route of administration and doses:
In an acute phase of a disease if necessary - in/in kapelno. An initial daily dose - 20 mg (to dissolve in 500-1000 ml of infusion solution). At good tolerance within 3-4 days the dose is raised to maximum - 1 mg/kg/days. A course of treatment - 10-14 days. After achievement of clinical improvement pass to administration of drug inside, 5-10 mg 3 times a day. A maintenance dose - 5 mg 3 times a day for a long time. Before cancellation the dose should be reduced gradually.
Features of use:
At parenteral administration by a sick diabetes mellitus it is necessary to control the content of glucose of blood since solution contains sorbitol, patients with cardial pathology cannot enter in/in because of danger of development of arrhythmia (up to fibrillation of ventricles).
Side effects:
Decrease in the ABP. Seldom - tachycardia, premature ventricular contraction, delay of intra ventricular conductivity. At parenteral administration: dizziness, feeling of heat, a dermahemia of the person, nausea, thrombophlebitis in an injection site.
Interaction with other medicines:
Increases risk of development of hemorrhagic complications against the background of a geparinoterapiya. Vinpocetine solution for injections pharmaceutical is incompatible with heparin.
Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation period. With care - an ischemic heart disease (a heavy current), heavy disturbances of a rhythm (parenteral administration). At a hemorrhagic stroke parenteral administration is possible only after subsiding of the acute phenomena (usually in 5-7 days).
Treatment: gastric lavage, reception of absorbent carbon, symptomatic treatment.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets on 0,005, 50 tablets in packaging.