Vinpocetine of 0,01%

Producer: LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06BX18
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 10 mg or 25 mg of a Vinpocetine.
Excipients: food tartaric acid, ascorbic acid, sodium metabisulphite, sodium chloride, water for injections.
The medicine possessing the complex mechanism of medical action favorably influencing cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism, and also rheological properties of blood.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Active ingredient of drug, a Vinpocetine, possesses the complex mechanism of medical action, favorably influencing cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism, and also rheological properties of blood. The Vinpocetine has neuroprotective effect: reduces expressiveness of the damaging cytologic reactions caused by the stimulating amino acids, inhibits functional activity as cellular transmembrane natrium and calcium channels, and receptors of NMDA and AMPA, exponentiates neurotyre-tread effect of adenosine; stimulates cerebral metabolism; strengthens absorption and assimilation by a brain of glucose and oxygen; increases portability of a hypoxia of neurons: stimulates glucose transport – a universal energy source for a brain – through a blood-brain barrier, shifts metabolism of glucose in energetically more favorable aerobic direction; selectively inhibits Sa2+-kalmodulin-zavisimuyu tsGMF-phosphodiesterase, increases concentration of tsAMF and tsGMF in brain tissues, and also concentration of ATP and a ratio of ATF/AMF; stimulates cerebral metabolism of noradrenaline and serotonin; stimulates the ascending noradrenergichesky system; has anti-oxidative effect.
The specified mechanisms of action provide tserebroprotektorny effect of a Vinpocetine. The Vinpocetine improves microcirculation in brain fabrics: blocks aggregation of thrombocytes; reduces patholologically the increased viscosity of blood; increases deformability of erythrocytes and slows down absorption of adenosine by them; promotes interstitial transport of oxygen by means of affinity of erythrocytes to it. The Vinpocetine selectively strengthens a brain blood stream: increases brain fraction of minute volume; reduces resistance of brain vessels without considerable impact on parameters of general circulation, practically without influencing the arterial pressure, minute volume, pulse rate, the general peripheric resistance; does not cause a phenomenon of "burglarizing" - opposite, at its use first of all blood supply ischemic, but still viable area with low perfusion – a phenomenon of "the return burglarizing" amplifies.
Pharmacokinetics. At parenteral administration the volume of distribution makes 5,3 l/kg of body weight. An elimination half-life – 4,74 hours. Active ingredient in a small amount and its metabolites are allocated with urine. The Vinpocetine gets through a placenta and is allocated in maternal milk.
Indications to use:
All forms of acute and chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency: the tranzitorny ischemic attack (a passing ischemic attack), reversible ischemic neurologic insufficiency, the progressing stroke, a complete stroke, dementia from multiple heart attacks, atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain, posttraumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy, vertebro-basilar insufficiency, etc.
For reduction of mental or neurologic symptoms of brain insufficiency (for example, memory disturbances, dizziness, headache, aphasia, apraxia, motive frustration, etc.).
Ophthalmology: for the treatment of defeats of a choroid and a retina caused by atherosclerosis or a vasospasm for treatment of degenerative changes of a macula lutea, arterial or venous thrombosis or the embolism and secondary glaucoma caused by above-mentioned changes.
Otiatria: treatments of relative deafness of a vascular or toxic (iatrogenic) origin, senile relative deafness, Menyer's disease, kokhleovestibulyarny neuritis, sonitus and dizziness of a labyrinth origin. For treatment of vazovegetativny symptoms of a menopausal syndrome.
Route of administration and doses:
It is entered only intravenously kapelno, slowly! (The maximum speed of infusion is 80 drops a minute!). Hypodermic, intramuscular and jet intravenous administration of drug is not allowed! The initial daily dose makes 10-25 mg.
For portability improvement perhaps simultaneous administration of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride. Depending on portability the dose within 2-3 days can be raised to 1 mg/kg of body weight a day. The course of treatment on average proceeds within 10-14 days.
In view of absence the Vinpocetine gepato-and nephrotoxic action has no need for change of a dosage at patients with diseases of kidneys or a liver. After the termination of a course of infusional therapy it is recommended to continue treatment of the patient Vinpotsetinom - orally according to 2 tab. (5 mg) 3 times a day.
Features of use:
At simultaneous use of the drugs provoking lengthening of an interval of QT it is recommended to control an ECG. Solution of the Vinpocetine is chemically incompatible with heparin. Therefore their simultaneous introduction is not allowed. However, simultaneous therapy by anticoagulants if necessary is admissible (under control).
With care to apply at purpose of antihypertensives. Hypodermic, intramuscular and jet intravenous administration of drug is not allowed! A sick diabetes mellitus control of sugar in blood is necessary.
Influence on ability to drive the car and other mechanisms. During use of drug it is necessary to be careful when driving the car and during the work with mechanisms.
Side effects:
From cardiovascular system: a depression of a segment of ST and lengthening of an interval of QT, tachycardia, premature ventricular contraction, little changes of arterial pressure, preferential towards decrease; erubescence, dizziness, headache.
From TsNS: The sleep disorder (sleeplessness, drowsiness), weakness can accompany administration of drug, however being at the same time symptoms of a basic disease more often.
From a GIT: dryness in a mouth, nausea, heartburn.
Others: allergic reactions, feeling of heat, a dermahemia of the person, thrombophlebitis in an injection site.
Interaction with other medicines:
Simultaneous parenteral use of a Vinpocetine and heparin is incompatible! The Vinpocetine can strengthen hypotensive effect of anti-hypertensive means. Increases risk of hemorrhagic complications against the background of a geparinoterapiya.
Pregnancy, lactation. An acute stage of a hemorrhagic stroke, severe forms of coronary heart disease, severe forms of arrhythmia, the hypersensitivity, known from the anamnesis, to drug, a syndrome of increase in an interval of QT.
There is no sufficient number of observations about use of the Vinpocetine at children's age up to 18 years.
Now data on overdose of a Vinpocetine are widely not submitted. On the basis of literary data prolonged parenteral use of 60 mg of a Vinpocetine a day was safe. At overdose strengthening of side effects is possible.
Treatment: symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above + 25 °C. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for infusions on 100 ml and 250 ml in polymeric containers.