Multiinfarctive dementia
- Description
- Symptoms of Multiinfarctive dementia
- Reasons of Multiinfarctive dementia
- Treatment of Multiinfarctive dementia
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The cognitive disturbances which developed as a result of several strokes are called multiinfarctive dementia.
Symptoms of Multiinfarctive dementia:
Neurologic disturbances at multiinfarctive dementia accrue in steps. The disease develops, as a rule, against the background of an arterial hypertension, a diabetes mellitus, an ischemic heart disease, widespread atherosclerosis. At a neurologic research usually find focal disturbances, for example a hemiparesis, unilateral pathological extensive reflexes, loss of fields of vision or pseudobulbar paralysis.
KT or MRT reveal multiple heart attacks of a brain. Thus, the differential diagnosis with Alzheimer's disease is based on data of the anamnesis and results of KT or MPT. However, as both of these diseases meet often, they can be combined.
With age in vessels of a brain beta and amyloid protein collects that leads to development of an amyloid angiopatiya. This state does not lead to dementia, but increases risk of intracerebral bleedings. At elderly with Alzheimer's disease, suffering from an amyloid angiopatiya and an arterial hypertension, the risk of an ischemic stroke is increased. According to some information, the allele of E4 of a gene of apoprotein E is risk factor of the amyloid angiopatiya which is not connected with Alzheimer's disease.

Multiinfarctive dementia at brain KT.
Reasons of Multiinfarctive dementia:
Strokes can be extensive or limited (for example, lacunary) and are usually localized in different sites of a brain. Expressiveness of dementia partly depends on the area of the affected cerebral cortex. Dementia meets at defeat of the left hemisphere a little more often irrespective of whether the speech centers are struck.
Treatment of Multiinfarctive dementia:
Today carry to recognized methods of treatment:
medicinal therapy – use of the drugs improving bonds between neurons (мемантин, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors), and also providing normal blood circulation in a brain and the normal course of exchange processes;
control of arterial pressure;
moderate intellectual and exercise stresses (at early stages);
diet rich with natural antioxidants;
antidepressants and neuroleptics (at behavioural frustration).