
Producer: Biofarm Ltd Biofarm Ltd, Poland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06BX18
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 5 mg of a Vinpocetine;
Other components: lactoses monohydrate, cellulose microcrystallic, the starch modified magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The Vinpocetine influences metabolic processes in brain tissues, improves a brain blood stream that, respectively, increases supply of oxygen in cells.
Slows down the fabric and metabolic disturbances caused to insufficient blood supplies of a brain. Thanks to increase in use of glucose and oxygen, and also improvement of aerobic metabolism medicine Vitsebrol shows neurotyre-tread (tserebroprotektorny) action against nervous tissue in the conditions of a hypoxia and deficit of nutrients. Activating adenylatecyclase and suppressing phosphodiesterase, increases concentration of tsAMF and ATP and ADF in brain cells.
The microcirculation improvement caused by suppression of aggregation and adhesion of thrombocytes, and also decrease in viscosity of blood under the influence of medicine. The Vinpocetine reduces risk of formation of blood clots in an artery gleam.
Increases accumulation of high-energy connections in erythrocytes, does them by more elastic and slows down absorption of adenosine by them. Under the influence of a Vinpocetine relationship of hemoglobin to oxygen and additional transport of the last grows. The Vinpocetine selectively expands brain blood vessels, including small arteries. Slightly, but it is noticeable, reduces counteraction of an artery and arterioles of a big circle of blood circulation. Brakes activity Sa2+-kalmodulin-v dependences of tsGMF-phosphodiesterase and increases the tsGMF level in smooth muscles of vessels, causing their relaxation. Provides the best blood supply of a bast layer of a brain. The Vinpocetine does not make an obdeleniye syndrome, and on the contrary – strengthens blood supply ischemic, but still viable sites of a brain.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption. Biological availability of a Vinpocetine at oral administration makes 70% and increases at use of medicine during the period or right after food. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is reached in 1 hour after medicine reception.
Distribution. The average volume of distribution makes Vd = 2,87 l/kg that testifies about considerable penetration of medicine into fabrics. In a blood plasma the Vinpocetine completely contacts proteins and is unavailable in a free look. The drug kumulirovaniye at the lowered clearance of creatinine is not established.
Metabolism. The Vinpocetine is quickly and completely metabolized with formations of polar compounds, including apovinkaminatny acid which is quickly removed with urine.
Due to the bystry metabolism of a Vinpocetine estimation of its pharmacokinetics is carried out on the basis of clarification of concentration to blood of apovinkaminatny acid.
Elimination (removal). At oral administration the elimination half-life makes about 5 hours. The most part of drug is removed with urine in the form of metabolites. In an invariable look only a few percent of drug are removed.
Indications to use:
Chronic disturbance of cerebral circulation, the tranzitorny ischemic attacks, states after transferring of an ischemic stroke, dementia caused by disturbance of cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis, posttraumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy, vertebrobazilyarny and cerebrovascular insufficiency.
In ophthalmology at chronic vascular diseases (a diabetic retinopathy, a vasomotor spasm and thrombosis of the central artery or vein of a retina of an eye).
In otology at decrease in auditory acuity of vascular, toxic or other genesis, Menyer's disease, an idiopathic sonitus.
Route of administration and doses:
In an initiation of treatment Vitsebrol it is recommended to apply 5 - 10 mg (1 - 2 tablets) three times a day during the period or right after food. For a maintenance therapy appoint 5 mg (1 tablet) 3 times to days, during the period or right after food. The maximum daily dose – 1mg/kg. The course of treatment makes 1 - 2 month. In maintenance doses the long time can be applied.
Features of use:
It is necessary to appoint with care a Vinpocetine sick with a cordial decompensation which is followed by bradycardia in which on an ECG it is observed lengthenings of an interval of QT. At hemorrhagic strokes it is possible to appoint a Vinpocetine not earlier, as in 2 weeks after an acute phase of a disease. It is not recommended to appoint the patient with labile arterial pressure. With care appoint the patient who accepts anti-hypertensive means.
There are no sufficient data of the children concerning use of this medicine for treatment.
Pregnancy and lactation
The Vinpocetine can get through a placenta and be allocated in breast milk therefore it is not recommended to apply a Vinpocetine during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles and moving mechanisms which demand big attention of concentration.
During use of drug it is necessary to keep care when driving by transport and work with difficult mechanisms.
Side effects:
From the central nervous system: dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, block, weakness.
From cardiovascular system: delay of vnutrennezheludochkovy conductivity, hypotension, tachycardia, premature ventricular contraction.
From digestive tract: dryness in a mouth, nausea, heartburn.
From integuments: insignificant erubescence of the person and neck, perspiration.
At certain patients disappearing skin allergic reactions, feeling of heat can be noted.
Interaction with other medicines:
Increases risk of development of bleedings at simultaneous use with heparin. At simultaneous use with anti-hypertensive means strengthening of hypotensive action is possible.
Vitsebrol it is not necessary to apply at patients with hypersensitivity to a Vinpocetine or other components of drug, at acute coronary heart disease, in an acute stage of a hemorrhagic stroke; during pregnancy and a lactation, with the increased intracranial pressure.
Symptoms: hypotension, block, nausea, vomiting.
Treatment: symptomatic. Appoint cardiotonic means, control the level of arterial pressure and an ECG, carrying out an artificial diuresis is possible.
Storage conditions:
To store in the unavailable to children, protected from light, dry place at a temperature of 15 - 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 tablets in the blister, on 5 blisters in a cardboard box.