Senile relative deafness
- Description
- Symptoms of Senile relative deafness
- Reasons of Senile relative deafness
- Treatment of Senile relative deafness
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Senile relative deafness is a neurosensory relative deafness which arises as an element of normal aging.
Symptoms of Senile relative deafness:
imptoma of senile relative deafness develop gradually, as a rule, since 40-45 years. Many persons begin to notice at first disturbances of tone hearing on high frequencies, then deterioration in legibility of the speech at perception of nurseries and female voices. Then the noise stability of the sound analyzer decreases; it is shown by the fact that at a simultaneous conversation of several persons or in a noisy situation hearing has more and more expressed difficulties in understanding of the speech though perception of its sound component remains at the satisfactory level. Quite often there is also an ear noise, however it has non-constant character and is not the reason of the address to the doctor. Sometimes there are short-term not expressed dizzinesses connected with the sharp movements.
At a hearing research the "live" speech sharp decrease it comes to light at perception of the shepotny speech, especially the words containing high-frequency formant ("to burn down", "furnace", "сечь"). The informal (ringing) conversation is perceived much better, especially male voices and words, the containing low-frequency formant ("raven", "leg", "forehead"). Presence of FUNG affects perception of informal conversation: small strengthening of a voice is perceived as the loud speech, however most often this phenomenon is absent. At a threshold tone audiometriya the descending type of curves of bone and air conductivity and their merge is defined. The speech audiometriya reveals decrease in percent of legibility of the speech and considerable depression of function of a noise stability.
Evolution of senile relative deafness is characterized by more or less quickly progressing relative deafness that is promoted also by other manifestations of age changes in an organism and possible associated diseases.
Reasons of Senile relative deafness:
This kind of relative deafness begins aged 20 years are more senior, and at first perception of the highest acoustical frequencys, and then gradually - lower is broken. However relative deafness degree considerably varies: some people almost completely lose hearing at the age of 60 years while at others it is excellent also in 90 years. As a rule, more often are also stronger subject to this disease of the man. Relative deafness, probably, is partially connected also with impact of noise.

Deterioration in hearing is directly connected with death of voloskovy cells
Treatment of Senile relative deafness:
Treatment is directed to delay of involutional processes in a nervous system and in an organism in general. Usually also sedatives, polyvitamins use the drugs improving microcirculation in a brain anti-sclerous. Correction of endocrine systems is quite often useful. The specified means can suspend some progressing of senile relative deafness and improve the general condition of an organism, however, time having arisen, this illness does not give in to involution. The only more or less effective remedy improving sound perception and communication of the patient with other people is hearing aid.